Adding Materials For a Promotion Case
This information pertains to adding new materials to an e-dossier that has already been submitted.
- In a CV or other materials submitted for third year review, candidates can list and describe items that are still in-process: not yet submitted, or submitted with no answer yet, to a journal or granting agency. Those should NOT be included in a final dossier; only items already at least at the "revise and resubmit" stage should be included.
If an article, book, presentation, grant proposal, or other item, becomes "accepted" after the candidate has submitted the e-dossier, but before a significant review layer* has voted, the candidate can but is not required to add a note about this to the Supplementary Folder.
The most important rule is that any particular item may be used only ONCE.
If a candidate adds it to their dossier for promotion to associate professor (associate research scientist, associate clinical professor, senior lecturer), it will strengthen that case BUT it then will not count as work in-rank for a promotion to full rank.
Items count as "in-rank" for promotion to full when they come into existence after someone submits their materials for consideration for the previous promotion. That is, everything DOES count, but if items occur during a review year, the candidate should thoughtfully consider whether they are needed for the current review, OR, are best held for the NEXT review.
*After the e-dossier has reached the campus committee level (January-February) nothing else can be added.
Reviewed 8/2023. Candidates should consult with their chairs about deciding on adding materials. Other questions, ask