Annual Events

New Faculty Welcome

At the New Faculty Welcome, newly-hired faculty are introduced to the academic work at IU Indianapolis and presented with resources created to ensure their success. In addition to welcoming messages from campus administrators, this event hosts opportunities for networking and presentations about research, teaching, and service on campus.

Celebration of Faculty Service

The Celebration of Faculty Service recognizes faculty celebrating milestone anniversaries of employment with IU Indianapolis and is held annually during the fall semester.

Faculty Honorees posing for a picture in the Campus Center.

Plater Institute

The William M. Plater Institute on the Future of Learning was established in 2006 to recognize the leadership of Bill Plater who served as IU Indianapolis’s executive vice chancellor and dean of the faculties from 1987 to 2006. The institute provides an opportunity for the campus community and its constituents throughout the Indianapolis area to build upon his commitment to excellence in teaching and learning by collectively exploring significant issues in higher education that will influence the future of learning.

Students having a conversation in the Campus Center about their research.

Last Lecture

The Last Lecture offers the university community the opportunity to hear reflections on life’s lessons and meaning from a retired or current IU Indianapolis colleague of exceptional merit. The lecturer shares the wisdom they gained through academic pursuits and life experiences with students, staff, faculty, and the general public. The lecture itself distills a life of inquiry, reflection, and service into guidelines and advice for successive generations.

Faculty and Staff meet in the Campus Center Theater for Last Lecture Event.

Honors Convocation

The Chancellor's Academic Honors Convocation is a celebration of the outstanding achievements made by IU Indianapolis faculty and students across all areas of IU Indianapolis’s mission: excellence in teaching and learning; excellence in research, scholarship, and creative activity; excellence in civic engagement; and excellence in diversity, collaboration, and best practices.

Faculty & Students being honored in the Hine Hall Auditorium.

Faculty Retiree Celebration

The Faculty Retiree Celebration is cohosted by the chancellor and executive vice chancellor and honors the work and careers of retiring faculty. Academic deans and department chairs share the celebration with retirees. Each retiree is also presented with a token of gratitude created by a Herron School of Art + Design student.

The Chancellor's Office posing with retiree Christine Fitzpatrick at Faculty Retiree Luncheon