Current Strategic Initiatives
COACHE Faculty Satisfaction Survey: IU Indianapolis is participating in a national program called the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) to participate in a survey of faculty job satisfaction. Full-time faculty will be invited to participate in the survey in spring 2024.
The database is currently unavailable. Please contact ude[dot]ui[at]aao if you need a roster of leaders.
Emerging Leaders Database: This searchable database of leaders includes faculty and staff who have completed leadership programs and trainings offered by Indiana University. Use the database of these emerging leaders to populate searches, committees, special projects, or anything needing leadership expertise.
Additional Initiatives
Faculty Crossing: In 2019, Faculty Crossing was launched, adjacent to the Center for Teaching and Learning in Room 1125 of the University Library, as a physical extension of the Forum Network. Faculty Crossing provides a welcoming, technology-rich collaboration space for faculty and teaching staff holding any type of appointment.
IU Indianapolis Next Generation 2.0: The IU Indianapolis Next Generation 2.0 program will be on pause for the 2025-2026 academic year as we take time to reassess its structure to better align with faculty and staff needs and institutional goals.
We appreciate the support of our participants, board members, and campus partners and look forward to sharing updates on future opportunities.
Forum Network: The Forum Network is your "one-stop-shop" for faculty support.
It is a technology-rich space that provides faculty members a place to meet for self-directed collaboration and is a resource for cooperative curricular development.
Profiles: The Profiles of Learning for Undergraduate Success enables our students to leave IU Indianapolis with a deepened understanding of what it means to be a well-rounded, well-educated person prepared for lifelong learning and success. The Profiles include competencies of Communicator, Problem Solver, Innovator, and Community Contributor.
Transforming the student experience: APLU's Powered by Publics initiative: IU Indianapolis has long been a leader in developing programs to support undergraduate student learning and success and is part of a network, led by the Association of Public and Land Grant Universities called Powered by Publics. And we are part of the Metropolitan Cluster, together with eleven other land-grant colleges, focused on scaling efforts to provide integrated and coordinated campus services and to improve intrusive advising, mentoring, and financial counseling.
The ultimate goal is to eliminate equity gaps in student outcomes related to retention and graduation and to share promising practices across the network. Efforts at IU Indianapolis are being led through the Strategic Information Council.