Next Generation 2.0


Acceptance into the Next Gen 2.0 program is a highly competitive and selective process. Applications are submitted either through nomination or self-nomination. A complete application includes:

  • The online application form
  • Candidate statement, inclusive of a capstone project idea
  • Current CV or resume (maximum 5 pages)
  • Letter of support from an academic dean, department chair, or supervising administrator

The application process is complete for the 2024-2025 Next Generation 2.0 Cohort. Please check next Spring for the 2025-2026 applications.

I was expecting to gain specific skills in areas of higher education; what I gained was a much better understanding of myself and how I approach leadership, which is more valuable to me…

Program Highlights

At the core of the Next Gen 2.0 program are the following components:

  • personal assessment, reflection, and growth
  • career planning and professional development
  • enhanced knowledge and skills
  • connection to local and national thought leaders
  • peer mentorship and networking
  • project development and management
  • program assessment

The curriculum is designed by the director in consultation with the Next Gen Advisory Board, a body of faculty, staff, administrative leaders, and Next Gen alumni. Board members and program alumni are invited to participate in and/or lead program sessions and are available as resources for mentorship and consultation for participants. Faculty presenters are selected for their content expertise and for the example they provide through their leadership. 

Formal presentations, small group work, facilitated discussions, case studies, and workshops are used to engage participants in the curriculum in a confidential environment supporting candid dialogue about contemporary issues in higher education. Standard topics include: self-assessment; diversity; conflict management; finances; organizational culture; and managing and strategizing change, among others. Advanced readings are provided for some sessions, and participants are also encouraged to create additional spaces for further discussions (e.g., Facebook groups; Canvas discussions). A key feature of the program is the opportunity for participants to develop an individual or group capstone project, enabling the application of acquired knowledge and skills to an initiative pertinent to their unit or which addresses the campus strategic goals.

At the conclusion of the program, Next Gen graduates are presented with a certificate as a formal and honorific recognition of their accomplishment of the following:

  • acquired knowledge and skills to assume increased administrative or executive responsibilities
  • developed strategies and pathways toward professional advancement
  • experience interacting and collaborating with leaders across units and disciplines
  • graduation into a growing and sustaining peer network of program alumni
  • planned and/or completed a capstone project in consultation with their unit leaders

To assess their leadership competencies, participants complete a pre- and post-curriculum survey. Program evaluation is also conducted to ensure responsiveness to participant feedback and to enact program improvements as needed.

I strongly feel that the program prepared me well for advancement through the academic administrative ranks. The experience was invaluable in expanding my vision and broadening my perspective.


Faculty and staff from historically marginalized and/or minoritized backgrounds in higher education (e.g., women; people of Color; LGBTQ+) who are currently underrepresented in leadership positions and who seek advancement opportunities or wish to improve their leadership skills, may self-nominate or be nominated by deans, chairs, or department/unit supervisors. Self-nominated candidates need to confirm the support of their supervisor and funding from their department or unit. Chairs must consult with their deans in advance of a nomination.

Staff criteria:

    • Minimum of 2 years of experience at IU Indianapolis
    • Status of "career/advanced" or "operational/senior operational" level or higher

Faculty criteria:

    • Minimum of 2 years of experience at IU Indianapolis
    • Full time lecturers, clinical, research, and tenured/tenure-track faculty and librarians
    • Faculty employed as "academic specialist"

The Next Gen Advisory Board and the program leadership will select a cohort of at least 20 individuals, keeping in mind the value of obtaining a diverse group of faculty and staff.


The cost of the Next Gen program to the unit is $1500 with a match provided by the Office of Academic Affairs. The fee covers all costs related to instruction, materials, surveys, and meals. Deans and supervisors must submit confirmation of their understanding of both financial and time commitment of participants upon their acceptance into the program.

Next Gen 2.0 was the catalyst to develop enduring professional relationships.  These connections have been vital to solving problems in my own unit, while imagining new possibilities beyond the confines of my current role.