Special Double-Edition: Annual Review / Career Development / Mentoring / Third Year Reviews
Welcome to the first Department Chair Notes! This communication will be sent to you the first Monday of each month with just-in-time topics for new and seasoned chairs and associate deans. This communication will supplement the existing chairs listserv. We hope you find the information helpful! We’ll archive the messages each month on this webpage. If there is a topic you’d like us to cover, please let us know via email to ude[dot]iupui[at]aacvas.
Annual reviews are just that…annual! But, when are they due and what’s the process?
The usual timeline for annual reviews begins in January when faculty are asked to update Digital Measures/Activity Insight (DMAI). Then, chairs or peer review committees or both conduct annual merit and career development reviews. By the end of April, all non-reappointments need to be finalized!
Why is this important?
- IU policy requires it: career development for all not-at-full rank, and merit for faculty at all ranks.
- In the worst case: if you think that you may need to non-reappoint a non-tenure-track faculty member or move towards post-tenure review for a tenured faculty member, thorough and consistent annual reviews are essential documentation.
- In the best case: you learn about what your faculty are like, their strengths, their needs—you can encourage them, support them, and think of ways to enhance their success.
What are key elements?
- DMAI is a listing. Here’s
how to use it, for
new users, and a
- We love to hate it, but, kept current, it will produce a properly-formatted P&T CV, and provide aggregate information to school administrators. Much of it is auto-populated.
- Most schools have their own annual review forms. The
Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) has a file of these in
a folder in Faculty Affairs Guidance.
ssecca rof ksA if you can’t find it in
IU Office 365 > OneDrive > Shared files.
- Many schools and departments include a candidate statement in some form for their pre-tenure faculty. They report that this may be momentarily painful but extremely useful later on.
- This year, the COVID-19 Supplement is encouraged.
- Prioritize mutually-understood goals for the next year and longer-term career development. Attaining full rank requires as much planning as associate+tenure!
- If committees are involved, consider including anti-bias and consistency education similar to that for hiring committees or P&T committees.
Working with fellows at the Faculty Crossing, the Office of Academic Affairs will be creating mentoring circles for faculty at different career development moments. Mentoring circles are peer mentoring groups led by more experienced facilitators. We will update you as these groups are formed.
Currently we are sponsoring circles associated with the Project EPIC grant. These “EPIC Circles” are open to women in STEM departments. We will be reaching out to them individually in the coming weeks. Please support your colleagues as they engage in these and other events related to Project EPIC.
Rachel Applegate will provide each school’s associate dean for faculty with a list of people due for third-year reviews, either on their original schedule or extended schedule because of COVID-19.
- This spring, you may conduct third-year reviews remotely. Take steps to ensure confidentiality of the proceedings and materials.
- Some general guidance on language for third-year reviews is available in this document.
Here are some FAQs from junior faculty members:
- What do I need to submit for the third-year review?
- RESPONSE: Candidate statement and CV in P&T format. What else does YOUR school want?
- Does work I completed before I came to IUPUI “count”?
- RESPONSE: Please ensure everybody understands what is going to count as ‘in rank.’
- Can I apply early for tenure? (You just said I was ‘great’!).
- RESPONSE: Make sure you distinguish between “doing nicely to position yourself in two years” from “doing so great you should apply this fall.” Be candid and thorough. This will set everyone up for an easier promotion and tenure process.
If we (Office of Academic Affairs) were to do a workshop for junior faculty on preparing for the third-year review next year, what should we include? What information should we include in the didactic/lecture part? What about a hands-on workshop such as "how to write a personal statement." Do you feel this would serve a need?
Please email feedback to etagelppA lehcaR.
- Next month, we will review reappointments.
- Student Wellness Days are scheduled for
Tuesday, February 23, and
Wednesday, March 24 at IUPUI and IUPUC (IUFW is not following this schedule). While these days are specifically with students in mind, you are encouraged to find ways to relax and unwind from your daily schedule, too.
- Faculty Affairs Guidance materials shared via IU Office 365: A repository of helpful information including how-to’s, when-to’s, and where-to’s.
- New Faculty Notes: Just-in-time monthly guidance to new faculty who cycle through New Faculty Orientation each year.
- Hiring Best Practices
- The Forum Network: An integrated coordinating structure that supports faculty collaboration and creativity.
- Faculty Crossing: A technology-rich collaboration space for faculty and teaching staff of all appointments. Part workroom, part café, the space provides a welcoming environment that promotes creativity and innovation. This space will reopen in the fall.