The Spring Reappointments cycle is underway. That’s capitalized because it is a major event: over 1,200 full-time faculty are involved across campus.
We have two minor-league cycles each year: Fall and Winter. These are for people who are on one-year appointments, AND, are in their first (Winter) or second (Fall) years. Thus, if you make an initial appointment that is three years, as is the case for about half of the School of Medicine and the rest of campus, they do not appear in Fall and Winter cycles.
IU policy requires one year’s notice of non-reappointment. Right now, your pre-tenure faculty and most of your non-tenure track faculty have appointment end dates of May 31 or June 30, 2022. If they are not going to be reappointed, they must be notified of that by one year prior: hence, the Spring Reappointment cycle, whereby we (you!) either push their end date out another year to May/June 2023, OR, you notify them of non-reappointment, OR you notify us that they will retire or resign.
Do you need to non-reappoint someone? Is it involuntary (that is, they are not already retiring or resigning on their own)? If so, please contact Rachel Applegate specifically and quickly (ude[dot]iupui[at]agelppar) so that she can walk you through the steps. Faculty can be non-reappointed for reasons of program needs or, poor performance. This applies to pre-tenure faculty as well as non-tenure track faculty.
You can also have non-tenure-track faculty who have long-term appointments (three or five years is most common). Those are marked as such in the reappointments dashboard.
Your hard-working school HR staff will be asking you to cooperate with them in getting reappointment records up to date. Thank you, Hardworking HR Staff!