As a department chair, you work with your colleagues to advance and enrich the student experience. In the last two years, the campus has re-envisioned the core undergraduate student learning experience. We have updated the earlier “Principles of Undergraduate Learning” (the PULs) to become the Profiles of Learning for Undergraduate Success (the Profiles).
The Profiles are the basis for all learning experiences at IUPUI—from first-year general education courses to engaged learning opportunities to a capstone experience. The Profiles help students develop knowledge and broad skills that will prepare them for their future, regardless of the field, industry, or area that they choose to pursue.
For more information about the Profiles and ideas for making these meaningful to your faculty and students, visit: https://due.iupui.edu/undergraduate-curricula/general-education/profiles.

The Student Engagement Roster (SER) is our tool to provide constructive, personalized feedback (positive and negative) to students. Accessible from your courses in Canvas on the left-hand side, faculty can provide feedback to a group of students rather than one student at a time.
Students are notified that their faculty member has submitted feedback, and we know that students like it. Students have told us that the feedback made them feel that their instructor cares about them, is approachable, and committed to creating an environment that is conducive to learning.
Advisors have ready access to SER feedback. It is included on the opening dashboard for each student record in AdRx. This is highly beneficial: when faculty provide feedback the advisor can follow up with the student.
Please ask your faculty to add feedback to the SER during weeks four and five of the semester; they can also update feedback throughout the semester. For more information on the Student Engagement Roster, including short videos on how to add feedback for groups of students, visit the SER webpage.
In order to ensure IUPUI’s general education courses develop the statewide general education competencies successfully and in a manner that encourages integrative learning, each IUPUI general education course is reviewed on a five-year cycle.
Courses are reviewed by the Undergraduate Affairs Committee through dossiers that present and analyze the alignment between the course learning outcomes, the general education competencies, the Profiles, the course syllabus, student success rates and grade distributions, assignments, samples of student work, student feedback, assessment methods, and improvement plans. Courses that use a Mile Marker assignment, that is, an assignment specifically tailored to develop and evaluate students’ learning of the general education competencies and to reflect on that learning, can use a more streamlined dossier format.
It sometimes happens that the work of compiling general education review dossiers falls to part-time faculty members who are not compensated for the time spent on this work. If this cannot be avoided, any support that can be offered to these hard-working instructors would surely be appreciated. Resources to help with the process are available from the Center for Teaching and Learning website. A new general education review template that allows nearly all the information to be submitted in a single document is available as an option for fall 2021 submissions and will become standard for spring 2022. This is expected to save time and to clarify the expectations.
Dossiers for review in fall 2021 are due by September 15.
How does your unit structure mentoring for faculty?
Please email feedback to nosugreF eigraM.
IUPUI Academic Affairs has launched LIFT mentoring circles for faculty seeking promotion to full professor, associate professor, teaching professor and senior lecturer. In addition, we are inviting faculty to participate who have been in rank at the associate level for six years (or more) and are contemplating whether it is time to seek promotion to full rank.
Please take advantage of this mentoring opportunity for yourself (if these groups represent your needs) and invite your relevant colleagues to apply! The deadline for registration has been extended to this Friday, September 10. You can find more information about this program and the form to sign up here: https://lift.iupui.edu/LIFT.
- Next month, we will discuss search and screen process.
- Faculty Affairs Guidance materials shared via IU Office 365: A repository of helpful information including how-to’s, when-to’s, and where-to’s.
- New Faculty Notes: Just-in-time monthly guidance to new faculty who cycle through New Faculty Orientation each year.
- Hiring Best Practices
- The Forum Network: An integrated coordinating structure that supports faculty collaboration and creativity.
- Faculty Crossing: A technology-rich collaboration space for faculty and teaching staff of all appointments. Part workroom, part café, the space provides a welcoming environment that promotes creativity and innovation. This space will reopen in the fall.
- Review the official long-term calendar for refresher on holidays and breaks for AY 2021-2022