By encouraging inclusive and equitable hiring practices, chairs can create significant change in their departments. Whether hiring this season or in the near future, it is important to learn more about hiring practices designed to yield a more diverse candidate pool. As chair, you wield a considerable amount of influence over students, staff, and faculty colleagues within your departments. Please do not miss this opportunity to bring about positive change in your department.
Multiple campus resources are available to inform you and potential search and screen committee members of strategies that can be used to introduce changes in your typical hiring processes and practices. The manual from WISELI, “Searching for Excellence & Diversity,” is particularly useful. Another recommendation is the online resource “Hiring for Diversity: A Primer for Department Chairs” offered by The Chronicle of Higher Education’s store. This resource contains a recorded webinar, inclusive of search scenarios, as well as several readings to deepen your knowledge and ability to contribute to effecting change in your department’s hiring process.
We also offer dual career hiring services. After an offer is made to a faculty candidate, staff in the offices of Academic Affairs, Community Engagement, and Human Resources can work collaboratively with a candidate’s partner, to connect them to available opportunities and resources.
Finally, IUPUI is a member of the Greater Chicago Midwest HERC (Higher Education Recruitment Consortium), a national, non-profit association dedicated to assisting over 700 colleges and universities with the recruitment of highly talented and diverse faculty and staff.
Introducing even a small change to hiring procedures is a strategic way to build upon the strengths of our existing faculty while creating a more equitable and vibrant campus community.