Promotion and Tenure and eDossiers
Here are some highlights to keep in mind.
During annual reviews, ensure that all of your faculty who are not at full-rank have an idea about their next steps. If anybody wants to apply for promotion in the upcoming cycle (2022-2023), please see that they have participated in or viewed recordings of the workshops for dossier preparation and their own area of excellence. They should attend this coming year if they are planning on the 2023-2024 cycle. Make sure those seeking full-rank have had at least two (ideally more) peer reviews of teaching while in rank; annual peer evaluations for pre-tenure faculty are best.
You may be doing third-year reviews for pre-tenure faculty. It is very important that these reviews be written in a supportive but candid way. Don’t let candidates equate an annual review’s assessment of “excellent” or “satisfactory” (in one particular year) with an assurance of future promotion success—that is, the third-year review should read differently than the annual review. Please see this document for instructions on the third-year review packet to be turned in to Office of Academic Affairs (via School folders in SharePoint). Consider checking back in with faculty later this semester or in the fall to see what they think of their review, once the initial shock (yes!) has worn off. You want to make sure they have grasped the key points that the reviewers intended.
Except in the School of Medicine and library faculty, the eDossier application (via for upcoming candidates is NOT available until mid-summer. In the meanwhile, the following items will help:
- Word templates which allow candidates to compose each section into one (eventual PDF) file with a table of contents. (Examples are available on this webpage, under the “Combined-section templates” section).
- A Zip file which includes all of the eDossier folders replicated.
- Using DMAI to create their P&T CV: DMAI doesn’t have to be complete, but using its function “Rapid Reports-Vita IUPUI P&T CV” will output a complete template.
Finally, as you are sending requests for external reviews, the campus requests that you incorporation this language to reflect the COVID-19 disruptions. Given the COVID-19 pandemic, the campus is still allowing letters that don’t have ‘wet’ signatures (but please do ensure that the sender is using an institutional email account).
Would you be interested in a more form-like structure for external letters for P&T?
Please email feedback to etagelppA lehcaR.
The IUPUI Faculty Council recently passed a Missed Class Time Policy effective immediately. Instructors are able to create their own attendance policy and include it in their syllabus. The policy asks that reasonable accommodation be given for excused absences such as participation in university-approved activities, religious and civic events, military service, threats to personal safety, and documented illness.
Read more about the policy. You are encouraged to include the policy in your syllabus.
Current faculty, staff and students may now submit nominations for the 2022 IUPUI Women’s History Month Recognition Awards presented by the Office for Women and the Division of Student Affairs.
For 2022, guidelines and criteria have been expanded to recognize and celebrate students, faculty and staff who have demonstrated significant leadership, achievement, advocacy, or service at the campus, community, national, and/or international level in support of gender equity, women’s empowerment, women’s history, or cultures of inclusion.
View guidelines and access online nomination form. Nominations for faculty and staff awards are due by March 13th.
- Next month, we will discuss reappointments and adjunct appointments.
- IU plans to make masks optional at all campuses starting March 4 – read details of this update, guidance on one-way masking, and more.
- Spring break this semester will take place from March 14 through March 20
- The IU eTexts ordering period opens on February 2 for summer and fall 2022, and the opportunities below are designed to provide timely support for IU’s affordable content options:
- Faculty Affairs Guidance materials shared via IU Office 365: A repository of helpful information including how-to’s, when-to’s, and where-to’s.
- New Faculty Notes: Just-in-time monthly guidance to new faculty who cycle through New Faculty Orientation each year.
- Hiring Best Practices.
- The Forum Network: An integrated coordinating structure that supports faculty collaboration and creativity.
- Faculty Crossing: A technology-rich collaboration space for faculty and teaching staff of all appointments. Part workroom, part café, the space provides a welcoming environment that promotes creativity and innovation. This space will reopen in the fall.
- Review the official long-term calendar for refresher on holidays and breaks for AY 2021-2022.