Academic Affairs Department Chair Notes - Message #24
Increasing Faculty Diversity
Currently, IUPUI has several processes to help you build strong and diversified faculty as you search for new colleagues.
A new academic search manual will educate search committee members and chairs about methods to widen your nets and reduce bias.
Teresa Sosa in Office of Academic Affairs will conduct search bias training.
Rachel Applegate in Office of Academic Affairs will be reviewing all interview requests so that all applications are assessed thoroughly. It’s particularly important that all non-qualified applicants be noted as such! Nobody wants you to hire anybody unqualified, and every search seems to attract random weird submissions.
The Presidential Diversity Hiring Initiative (PDHI) can provide three years of salary support. A decision about support is made after a finalist has been selected (or, a search waiver has been obtained); actual funds are transferred in June of the fiscal year the candidate begins at IUPUI.
Chairs have an important role in supporting faculty participation in shared governance. All of our initiatives run more smoothly and more powerfully when faculty are really engaged in the design and success of our endeavors.
Here are concrete ways to help faculty become part of the process:
Model shared governance within your own department. That means asking for input and responding to suggestions.
Keep an eye on which faculty help your department and school and campus by serving on faculty committees. Motivate them, assign them, stress the importance. “Shared” governance is not just shared between faculty and administrators, it is “shared” between faculty. University citizenship is indispensable.
Respect, acknowledge, and reward (in merit assessments) those faculty who do more than others. Quality school service gives your department a voice in school affairs; campus service makes your department look good!
Encourage faculty to participate in the IUPUI Faculty Council and in Faculty Council committees. It’s a great place to learn how policy is created, hear from our campus leaders, and learn more about shared governance at the campus level.
Well-functioning faculty governance raises morale, avoids unpleasant surprises, generates innovative ideas, and makes everything run better.
The Forum Network: An integrated coordinating structure that supports faculty collaboration and creativity.
Faculty Crossing: A technology-rich collaboration space for faculty and teaching staff of all appointments. Part workroom, part café, the space provides a welcoming environment that promotes creativity and innovation.