We are closing in on the end of the semester. If you have a grading scheme enabled in your course site, Canvas will automatically calculate letter grades.
You can easily load your grades into SIS from Canvas. Look for the “SIS Grade Roster” in the Gradebook tool, or simply navigate to the SIS Faculty Center and click “Grade Roster.” You’ll then see a “Load Grades from Canvas” button. We recommend that you carefully check grades in Canvas first–check out this Knowledge Base document for steps. You also have the option to enter grades through the Faculty Center into your class roster using these steps.
If you haven’t yet used grading schemes, learn about grading schemes for next semester:
Assessment of Student Learning
Once your course is complete, review assessment data to see how well students attained course learning outcomes and reflect on how to improve learning where needed. Assessment goes beyond grading by systematically examining patterns of student learning and using this information to improve educational practices.
It’s not too late to arrange a peer evaluation of teaching. Choose a colleague from your department and swap by visiting their classes and having them visit yours.
For more teaching information, check out The Forum.