Faculty Diversity and Inclusion
IUPUI is an institutional member with the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD), an independent faculty development center dedicated to supporting academics in making successful transitions throughout their careers.
As an institutional member, you have access to the following resources at no cost to you:
- Weekly Monday Motivator
- Monthly Core Curriculum Webinars
- Monthly Guest Expert Webinars
- Access to Multi-Week Courses
- A private Discussion Forum for peer-mentoring & problem-solving
- Monthly accountability buddy matches
- Moderated writing challenges
- Access to the Member Library that includes past webinar materials, referrals, and readings
We’re excited to provide IUPUI’s faculty, postdocs, and graduate students with the opportunity to participate in NCFDD’s unique virtual form of mentoring and career development.
We encourage you to claim your membership on the NCFDD website. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Gina Sanchez Gibau, associate vice chancellor for faculty diversity and inclusion, at ude[dot]iupui[at]zehcnasg.
By Dr. Karen Dace, Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Although I’m not fond of stories detailing “how it used to be” in the good (or bad) old days, sometimes recalling my insecurities as a junior faculty member, coupled with questions about where to go for answers to a myriad of questions about promotion and tenure, makes me wish opportunities like NCFDD existed back then.
Today, IUPUI faculty and graduate students receive advice each Monday morning from their “virtual mentor” at NCFDD prompting them to finish a project, giving step-by-step instructions on how to get their research back on track, and even offering guidance on how to tactfully decline multiple invitations and to say “no” to committee service that will take time away from writing. IUPUI faculty continue to sing NCFDD’s praises and credit these weekly messages with helping them complete and submit their work to conferences and for publication. If you’re not receiving NCFDD’s Monday Morning Motivators, join for free today.
This is a resource you do not want to miss!
In 2017, IUPUI established Indiana University’s membership with the Higher Education Recruitment Consortium, or HERC. As a member institution of the Greater Chicago Midwest HERC, IUPUI has access to a wealth of resources such as webinars, blog posts, and toolkits, all designed to support your work related to diversity, equity, and inclusion—you can find quick links in this one-pager.
Along with its existing tools for recruitment, HERC hosts a virtual networking platform, HERConnect, through which to collaborate and share ideas and practices with other higher education professionals. All employees are welcome to sign up for an individual portal account and access these helpful resources.
This fall, the campus has started a serious discussion of how best to incorporate diversity, equity, and inclusion within promotion and tenure criteria. One essential goal is to recognize and reward work that helps our students and colleagues with respect to diversity issues.
On January 12, a preliminary proposal developed by a special ad-hoc committee was discussed at the IUPUI Faculty Council meeting (proposal and presentation). This proposal has one major item, two relatively minor items, and a suggestion.
The major item is to develop an “integrative” promotion and tenure (P&T) case focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion. If you are new to IUPUI, you may not know that the traditional cases have been confined to research-excellence, teaching-excellence, and service-excellence, with a few “balanced” cases which have to follow a very confined structure. An “integrative” case is designed to allow faculty to show how their research, teaching, and service are inter-related and that their accomplishments advance IUPUI. This type of case would be completely voluntary but we anticipate a number of faculty will find it a better way to tell their story.
The minor items are to create markings for diversity-related items on the P&T CV, and allow for (but not require for now) a diversity statement in the dossier.
The suggestion is for schools and other units to start thinking seriously about how to express the idea that supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion is essential to IUPUI’s success. The goal is to incorporate this assessment into annual reviews as well as promotion and tenure processes. Annual reviews are managed solely by departments and the schools, not the campus so this requires leadership from the schools.
Have input about this initiative? Work with your unit and we also welcome your feedback via this form.
"Now more than ever, leaders in every field must look within themselves and their organizations to identify barriers to equity and social justice and commit to removing them."
- Chancellor Nasser H. Paydar
Need-to-Know for New Faculty
Prompted by the violence and protests experienced in the Summer of 2020, IUPUI formed the Action Committee to examine the university’s actions and policies to identify where systemic racism is translated into higher education’s daily practices, expectations, predictions, decision-making, and regulations that target Black and other people of Color.
Read more about the Action Committee's recommendations in implementation at our campus on the Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion website.
The E.C. Moore Symposium on Excellence in Teaching brings together stakeholders in the higher education community across Indiana to examine teaching excellence and innovative pedagogies that encourage student learning.
The E.C. Moore Symposium will be held in a virtual format on Friday, March 5, 2021, from 10 a.m.–3 p.m. via Zoom.
The symposium is open to all faculty and instructional staff, regardless of appointment type, institution, or organization. Professional staff who provide support for the teaching and learning mission of the campuses (e.g., instructional designers, IT professionals) are also welcome to attend.
Find more details on this webpage.