A monthly publication designed to provide updates and important information on faculty matters. You are free to opt-out, but we hope you will stay with us!
Welcome Back!Dear Colleagues, It is my sincere pleasure to welcome you back from what I hope has been a productive, yet restful summer. The start of the semester is always exciting as we welcome new faculty to IUPUI and experience the energy our students bring back to our campus as they flood our classrooms, library, campus center, and outdoor spaces (including, unfortunately, our parking lots). As I’ve talked with faculty and staff over the past several months it’s become clear that our office needs to develop a much more strategic and multifaceted plan for communicating with faculty. There’s an inherent tension between the need to share current, rapidly evolving, and often highly complex information about strategic priorities, new programs or opportunities for collaboration – and the knowledge that faculty are incredibly busy and don’t have much time to read long emails. Thus, let me just briefly share that we will be sending out monthly e-newsletters to try to keep you updated on what is happening across the divisions and offices that we lead, and we will archive this information on our website. I am anxious to connect with IUPUI faculty individually, as well as collectively, and would welcome the opportunity to join you in meetings within your schools and departments. I will be holding monthly office hours during which I hope you will drop in to chat about what’s on your mind, or to help me learn about your work. Finally, please follow me on Twitter @KJohnsonIUPUI! We are launching a Faculty Fellows program through the Office of Academic Affairs to help advance the work of our office, as well as to help cultivate the next generation of faculty leaders at IUPUI. Details are available on our website. Have a wonderful academic year, and please don’t hesitate to contact me with suggestions regarding how the Office of Academic Affairs might help to support your work. Sincerely,
Kathy E. Johnson, Ph.D. |
We Want YOU To Be a Faculty FellowThe Office of Academic Affairs is accepting applications for a Faculty Fellow to participate in the development and implementation of several projects aimed at enhancing the academic excellence of IUPUI. Join our team! Click here for more information and to apply! Deadline is September 30. Faculty Fellow positions are half-time appointments for one to two years and are ideal for an individual who has interest in learning more about university-wide academic administration and policy issues. Responsibilities are tailored to accommodate the Faculty Fellow's background and interests. These will involve exploring new ideas to further the IUPUI campus mission foci of teaching and learning, research and scholarship, civic engagement, emphasizing diversity, collaboration, and best practices. Faculty Fellows and Academic Affairs leadership work in collaboration to enhance IUPUI’s academic excellence through assuring success of the IUPUI Strategic Plan. Required Qualifications:
Compensation: Compensation is given both to the school to cover release time and to the Faculty Fellow's research account. |
Carolyn Gentle-Genitty Appointed Faculty FellowCarolyn Gentle-Genitty, director of the Bachelor of Social Work program and an associate professor, teaching both theory and practice at the bachelor and masters level in School of "Bringing deep experience in online education to her role here in Academic Affairs, Dr. Gentle-Genitty will work with our schools and with the IU Office of Online Education to help to guide IUPUI’s strategic growth in distance learning," Ferguson said. "Enhanced online programming is critical to serving stopped out students working to complete their degrees as well as making new courses of study accessible to students outside of Indiana," Ferguson said. "Dr. Gentle-Genitty’s dedication to best teaching practices and student success makes her the ideal person to join with us in these endeavors and I am very excited to work with her in the coming year.” Dr. Gentle-Genitty is well-versed in teaching, learning, and supporting online initiatives bringing 12 years of online experience to the program. She has created one-page tips for navigating online teaching with techniques for working with millennials, gen-Zers, and learning expectations. She has mobile apps development experience as well with two currently listed in the Apple App Store and in over 155 countries. Dr. Gentle-Genitty developed her first online course in 2007 for the Master of Social Work program and continues to develop more in both the Direct MSW and Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) programs. Having worked with the Department of Labor Studies in their fully online program, she brings experience in working with programs and team-based efforts online. This skill is further enhanced as she heads the online BSW initiative for the systemwide School of Social Work. She has been a Glenn W. Irwin, Jr., M.D. Experience Excellence Award recipient, and as an IUPUI influencer, she continues to inform student success at IUPUI through countless endeavors related to online education. |
Enrollments On a RollBy just about any measure, IUPUI student enrollment is very healthy as we head into fall 2016. Though the total number of students on campus is down slightly due to a drop in transfer students (something that happens routinely when the economy is strong), we have a record-sized class of beginning students (3,761 – up 139 students from last year), nearly half of whom live on campus. Newly-enrolled master’s students increased by 3.6%, and new doctoral students also have increased slightly. With the transition to banded tuition, there has been a healthy uptick in the number of credits that full-time students register for, resulting in an overall increase in credit hours for our campus despite a slight decline in the number of students enrolled. Last fall, 50.6% of full-time students enrolled in at least 15 credit hours, while this fall 60% of students did so. Last year IUPUI joined the Midwest Student Exchange Program, resulting in nearly a 7% increase in nonresident students – just about half of which were recruited from Illinois. Finally, and perhaps most impressively, our Indianapolis campus is more diverse than at any point in our history. Among beginning students, 28.3% are students of color, with beginning African American students increasing by 40% from last year, beginning Hispanic/Latino students increasing by 13.2%, and beginning Asian students increasing by 20.4%. Across all of our programs, 24.9% of students are minorities. We also have enrolled a record number of international students, who now reflect 7.1% of the campus population, and 3.2% of beginning students. The Office of Institutional Research and Decision Support has launched a new site called IUPUI Data Link which lets any IUPUI faculty or staff member have access to information about our student enrollment, along with a wealth of other types of information. Check it out! |
Textbook Ordering for SpringOur students need your help! Early ordering your textbooks isn’t only just an obligation, it’s also the law! Section 133 of the Higher Education Opportunity Act requires institutions of higher education receiving federal financial aid to post textbook information (including pricing) at the time students register for classes. Faculty are asked to report even when no textbook is required (i.e., zero cost). The deadline for the spring ordering is October 15. For more information about textbooks, deadlines, and ordering, visit the registrar’s website. |
Syllabus ContentImportant! If you haven’t updated your syllabus with these five policies students should be aware of by law, please do so ASAP. Please use these step-by-step instructions on how to import this information. Once the policies are linked to your course site, students will have ready access to them whenever they are working in Canvas, and you will not need to worry about adding additional information to your syllabus in the future. Other policies you may also wish to include can be found on the registrar’s website. |
Faculty Annual Reporting Through Activity InsightBeginning this school year, Indiana University will be employing Activity Insight (AI) by Digital Measures for faculty annual reporting. The University Academic Affairs’ informational website provides project background, FAQs, the project team, and timeline information. At that site you will also find a faculty user guide and video tutorials for using AI. In addition, though AI is designed to be highly intuitive, IUPUI has planned several workshops to provide faculty training. Dates and registration details can be found on this handout(opens in new tab). |
Data-Informed Decision MakingPicture this -- You’re in the middle of writing a journal article or doing research and just need data. Where do you look? How do you get it? Check out the Quick Guide to Resources for Data-Informed Decision Making at IUPUI. Just about everything you wanted to find can be found in this valuable guide. Go ahead…check it out! |
Rethinking Mentoring: How to Build Communities Of Inclusion, Support, and AccountabilitySeptember 16, 2016, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Agenda |
William M. Plater Institute On the Future Of Learning - Educating For a Global CommunityMonday, October 31, 2016 The 2016 William M. Plater Institute on the Future of Learning will focus on exploring global learning from both the curricular and cocurricular perspectives. Registration is required. |
Chat With the EVCWhat’s on your mind? Do you need some advice? Now’s your chance to share and ask it with EVC/CAO Kathy Johnson! Open office hours will be hosted for IUPUI faculty to drop-in with no appointment. You are encouraged to drop in and share your thoughts, ideas, and concerns. See our website for details. |
IUPUI Faculty Council (IFC) – Meet Your IFC leadershipThe IFC welcomes you to their meeting on October 4, from 3 to 5 p.m., in the Campus Center, Room 409. The IFC is a governance body of elected faculty members from each school with the responsibility of exercising faculty authority for the IUPUI campus. The purpose is to provide governance to the IUPUI faculty as afforded by the IU Board of Trustees and the Constitution of the Indiana University Faculty. For more information, contact Karen Lee or visit our website. Members are elected each spring for service the following academic year; however, all faculty are welcome to attend the monthly meetings. Faculty may also participate on any of the governance committees. For more information, contact Lori Klosterman. To contact the president and vice president of the faculty:
Rachel Applegate
Jeff Watt
International House 25th Anniversary Open HouseInternational House (I-House) has been bringing American and International students together for 25 years! Please join the celebration of IUPUI’s oldest living and learning community at the I-House 25th Anniversary Open House on Thursday, September 22, from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Your RSVP is requested by September 15. A brief program with remarks by Executive Vice Chancellor Kathy Johnson and Interim Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Tralicia Lewis will begin at 4:30 p.m. For more information, click here. |
Welcome New Faculty!The annual IUPUI New Faculty Welcome was held at the Campus Center on August 16. Chancellor Paydar and EVC Kathy Johnson shared remarks about the history of IUPUI, the present day, and goals for the future. Faculty were invited on a bus tour of the campus and downtown Indianapolis hosted by Dean Jay Gladden (School of Physical Education and Tourism Management) and Dr. Margie Ferguson (Office of Academic Affairs) along with campus ambassadors who provided information about the campus, the surrounding downtown area, and sports information. The tour culminated with a reception hosted by the chancellor at Tobias House. |