Faculty Crossing to Open in Late April
This long-anticipated space was created in response to a recommendation for a collaborative space for teaching innovation made in the Faculty Development and Center for Teaching and Learning Task Force report. Referred to as the Forum in the report, the space will be called the Faculty Crossing, based on the results of a naming contest sponsored by the Forum Council. The Faculty Crossing will be located in a newly-renovated space in University Library, room 1125M. Look for an announcement soon for an open house in late April! |
Prep for Success in Fall 2019 with the Faculty Success ProgramThe Office of Academic Affairs will again welcome applications to the upcoming Faculty Success Program (FSP). FSP is a program by the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD) for “tenure-track and tenured faculty who are looking for the perfect combination of empirically-tested methods to improve research productivity through the intense accountability, coaching, and peer support to propel their work-life balance and personal growth to a whole new level,” (National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity). The Office of Academic Affairs and the Division of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion supports, with sponsoring academic units, up to two faculty member participants per semester, in fall and spring. Faculty will be asked to submit applications for the fall FSP session in early May. For more information about IUPUI’s institutional membership with NCFDD, please visit the Office of Academic Affairs website. For information about the Faculty Success program, visit NCFDD’s website. |
IUPUI 50th Anniversary Women’s History Month Leadership Awards
Also in attendance was a special guest, Kathleen Warfel Hull, the founding director of the Office for Women. This year’s winners are:
Student Leader Undergraduate
Graduate Student Leader
Newcomer Staff
Veteran Staff
Newcomer Faculty
Veteran Faculty
Inspirational Woman |
Faculty Inclusive Excellence Grants (Coming in Fall 2019)The purpose of the Faculty Inclusive Excellence program is to award up to 10 grants per academic year of $1,000 in support of faculty engaged in work that advances the campus goal toward creating a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable environment. Proposed activities that address issues pertaining to marginalized or minoritized communities (defined by race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, ability status, and veteran status) include but are not limited to the following:
April Update from IFC President John Watson
A presentation by Michele Hansen, assistant vice chancellor for Institutional Research and Decision Support, and Marvin Smith, executive director of Student Financial Services, at an IUPUI Faculty Council meeting earlier this year made a lasting impression on me. They reported on the financial barriers faced by students and the impact financial stress can have on student retention. Their study indicates that unmet financial need plays a prominent role in students not being retained. The trend line was obvious: as unmet financial need goes up, retention rate goes down. I asked them what the IFC could do to help mitigate this problem. Here is what they told me:
Have your voice heard! |
Last Chance to Submit Your 2019 Employee Workplace Health and Wellness Survey
Email invitations to take the survey were sent March 1, 2019, to all full-time IU employees. If you no longer have the email invitation, a reminder was sent on March 19 and another will be sent April 3. You need the individualized link that was sent to you in these invitations. You can also request your link by contacting ude[dot]ui[at]yhtlaehb.
Institute for Curriculum and Campus Internationalization
ICCI includes two distinctive tracks with individualized workshops led by experts in international education (course and campus tracks). Whole group highlights include key presentations by national leaders, interactive sessions to identify common ground among disparate campus audiences, an Innovative Internationalization Best Practices discussion panel, a multi-regional cultural evening for networking, and a summative Taking Action session. If you are new to internationalization, consider joining the optional pre-institute workshop, The Increasingly Comprehensive World of Academic Internationalization: The Essential Context (this will be an additional cost). The institute will take place on the Bloomington campus on May 19 through 22. The cost to attend is $475, which includes all events, materials, and all meals except one dinner (some scholarships are available). Registration is open now and space is limited. The deadline to register is April 22. For further details, visit the ICCI website. Please direct any questions to ude[dot]ui[at]icci. |
IUPUI FACET Information SessionFACET is a state-wide organization that recognizes teaching excellence, values innovation and critical reflection, fosters personal renewal and commitment, and creates opportunities for faculty development and scholarship in teaching and learning. Wondering if you and FACET are a good fit? Join us for lunch and conversation at the IUPUI FACET Information Session Tuesday, April 30, 12 noon–1 p.m. in University Library, room 2115E. RSVP to ude[dot]ui[at]cotimorl. |
2019 American Cancer Society Research GrantThe IU Simon Cancer Center has announced the availability of funds for new pilot projects to assist new investigators who hold the rank of assistant professor, research assistant professor, and assistant scientist (without an active national competitive research grant, regardless of the topic). These funds are from the American Cancer Society Institutional Research Grant (ACSIRG). This grant provides support for beginning investigators to enable them to initiate their independent research program. The purpose of the ACSIRG program is to attract new investigators from Indiana University into cancer research and to provide support for new pilot studies that will produce preliminary data for the investigator to develop into studies that will compete successfully for external, national funds from both federal and private sources. Funding is available for three pilot projects, beginning July 1, 2019, in amounts up to $40,000. Special funds are also available for one additional pilot study in the amount of $40,000 with a focus on pediatric oncology. Applications are due on June 1, 2019. For further details and for application materials, please contact Crystal Munson, translational research coordinator, at ude[dot]iupui[at]sknabyrc. |
Competition for 2020-2021 U.S. Fulbright Scholar Program Now OpenThe competition for the 2020-2021 U.S. Fulbright Scholar Program is now open. The U.S. Fulbright Scholar Program sends nearly 470 American scholars and professionals annually to more than 125 counties where they lecture and/or conduct research in a wide variety of academic and professional fields. The deadline to submit your application is September 16, 2019. Visit the website for further details or contact the IUPUI Fulbright Representative, Leslie Bozeman at ude[dot]iupui[at]namezobl. |
Mark Your Calendar!
2019 Chancellor's Academic Honors ConvocationHine Hall Auditorium The Chancellor's Academic Honors Convocation is a celebration of the outstanding achievements made by IUPUI faculty and students across all areas of IUPUI's mission: excellence in teaching and learning; excellence in research, scholarship, and creative activity; excellence in civic engagement; and excellence in diversity, collaboration, and best practices. Please RSVP in advance to attend the event. |
Bahamonde Appointed as Founding Dean of the School of Health & Human SciencesIUPUI Chancellor Nasser H. Paydar has announced the appointment of Rafael Bahamonde as founding dean of the School of Health & Human Sciences, effective July 1, subject to formal approval by the Indiana University Board of Trustees. Etta Ward Selected as Associate Director-in-Residence for Higher Education Leadership Programs for Women's 2019 Summer Institute in Bryn MawrEtta Ward, assistant vice chancellor for research development, has been selected to serve as the associate director-in-residence for Higher Education Leadership Programs for Women's (HERS) 2019 Summer Institute in Bryn Mawr. Ward, alumna of the HERS Summer Institute 2017, will provide strategic instruction and on-site support to those attending the immersive residential leadership program taking place July 8–20, 2019. The HERS Institute is "designed to strengthen and elevate women holding mid-to-senior level positions in higher education." |