This newsletter was sent to faculty members by the Office of Academic Affairs. | |
Lecturer Ranks – The Process So FarIUPUI faculty have received an email about the development of new criteria for lecturer ranks (senior lecturer and the new teaching professor). A potential outline of campus-level standards has been generated by a special committee composed of some campus Promotion and Tenure (P&T) Committee members, Indianapolis Faculty Council (IFC) Faculty Affairs Committee members, and additional senior lecturers/clinical faculty. This outline is also being sent to other bodies for consideration. All IUPUI faculty have an interest in this topic, as they will be asked to vote on new school standards. IFC representatives will vote on campus standards. Lecturer faculty focus on teaching, but understanding teaching expectations are also a concern of tenure-track and clinical faculty. Contact your school’s P&T Committee, or faculty governance leadership, to see how you can be involved for your school. |
Preparing for SabbaticalsSabbaticals are important professional development opportunities for faculty. Often people seek their first sabbatical immediately following promotion to associate and the granting of tenure. Additional sabbatical opportunities are available over the course of a career. These initial leaves especially create space for faculty members to plan the next phase of their careers, ideally mapping their path to promotion to full rank. Sabbaticals should be a time of renewal and reflection that enable the faculty member to return to their full responsibilities with new energy and creativity. Generally, sabbaticals create time and opportunity for faculty to pursue scholarship that is not possible during the normal course of their responsibilities. Some faculty travel and do field work; some take up residency in a new location. Others just need uninterrupted time to dedicate to new endeavors. Almost without fail though, faculty report that the sabbatical played a significant role in their future successes. Bill Blomquist, a professor in the Department of Political Science in the School of Liberal Arts, reflected on the sabbaticals he has taken in his career: “My sabbatical leave provided the chance to spend time with colleagues whose work I’d been reading and whom I occasionally saw at conferences, which is a very good opportunity to have. We all have networks of colleagues with whom we can collaborate and communicate electronically, but the chance to spend time in person is qualitatively different. Each sabbatical has been valuable to me in that way.” October 16 is the deadline for schools to submit the list of faculty who will be requesting sabbaticals in the coming year. If you intend to take a sabbatical next year, be sure to contact your school now to make them aware of your intention. Sabbaticals are approved for either a semester (at full pay) or an academic year (at half pay). It need not be taken in one academic year. The IU policy can be found on the University Policies website. Please contact the office of the dean of your school or the Office of Academic Affairs at ude[dot]iupui[at]aao with any questions you have. |
Let’s Tour the Faculty Crossing!In this video, Forum Fellows Aimee Zoeller and Andy Buchenot take you on tour of the new Faculty Crossing space! From getting to the crossing, to the layout of the space, and the state-of-the-art technology, Aimee and Andy share all their favorite aspects of the Faculty Crossing. Visit the Faculty Crossing website for more information and check out the brand new calendar for availability and programming. |
Call for Nominations: Campus Awards
Please carefully consider nominating a colleague for one of the many wonderful awards. IUPUI has remarkable faculty members who deserve to be recognized for their work. See our previous recipients to give you an idea of appropriate nominees. Contact the Office of Academic Affairs at ude[dot]iupui[at]aao if you have any questions regarding our nomination process. The nomination process will open for most awards on October 16 on the Academic Affairs website, where more information and details about each award can also be found. |
Update from IFC President John Watson
The teaching professor rank is taking shape! Since my last update, there has been substantive progress in the establishment of the new rank within the lecturer track. Led by Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer Kathy Johnson, a timeline was developed for circulation to the units and faculty to help guide the campus wide work needed to make the new rank a reality. In addition, an email from Dr. Johnson and me was sent to faculty on September 25. This message described the work accomplished so far and provides a clear outline of what remains. The IFC Executive Committee charged the Ad Hoc Promotion and Tenure Task Force to draft campus-level criteria for promotion from senior lecturer to teaching professor. This task force, led by Assistant Vice Chancellor for Faculty Affairs and past IFC President Rachel Applegate, contains a broad representation of the faculty. Their document, which will be available soon, will provide important guidance to the units and departments as they generate their own criteria for promotion to Teaching Professor. A repository of items pertaining to the committee’s work can be found here. Thanks to everyone who has or will contribute to this effort to recognize the important work contributed by those in lecturer ranks!
Have your voice heard! |
Walk IT ThursdaysImportant Date: The next session will take place on October 10. Join the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) on select Thursdays in October for casual conversations, brainstorming, and a little exercise at Wood Fountain, just south of the IUPUI University Library. All you need is your ideas, questions, and your walking shoes! Each week there will be CTL consultants eager to chat with you about your ideas for effective teaching and learning with technology. Come for a few laps, or stay the whole time! Learn more about weekly topics and register on the CTL website. |
Chat With the EVC
Thursday, October 10, 2019 10–11 a.m. Faculty Crossing (University Library 1125M) What’s on your mind? Meet with EVC/CAO Kathy Johnson during open office hours. IUPUI faculty can drop in with no appointment to share your thoughts, ideas, and concerns. Kathy brings snacks! |
Service Learning and Integrated Course DesignImportant Date: This session will take place on October 18. It can be hard to know where to begin with designing a service learning course. More specifically, where do you begin thinking of service as a high impact practice and an integrated learning opportunity that is more than just “add service and stir”? This session will draw upon the Center for Service and Learning's Service Learning Taxonomy as a guide and is designed to help participants distinguish service learning from other forms of experiential learning and community service and to talk through key principles for embedding service learning as an integrated aspect of a course. This session will take place on Friday, October 18, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Hine Hall Conference Room 234AD. Register on the session's qualtrics form. |
IUPUI FACET Teaching Tuesday LunchesImportant Date: The next Teaching Tuesday is on October 29. The IUPUI FACET Liaisons host Teaching Tuesday lunches on the last Tuesday of the month. (See below for dates). These sessions are hosted in the Faculty Crossing (UL 1125M) from 12 noon to 1:00 p.m.
Equity-Minded ISL - What's in it for the Community: A Case Study with El Salvadoran PartnersImportant Date: This panel will take place on November 1. Join a panel in this 90-minute session as we examine the challenges of creating and sustaining an ethical and equitable relationship between community-based experiential learning programs abroad and their international host partners and communities. When programs are conducted in under-resourced communities abroad, how do we move from privileging communities as laboratories for student learning and charity towards an ethos of intentional mutuality? How does a focus on mutuality enhance the outcomes for all partners, including both students and the communities we intend to benefit? This panel will take place on Friday, November 1, 2019, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Education/Social Work Building Global Crossroads Classroom (ES 2132). Register on the session's qualtrics form. |
Internal Grants for Faculty from the Office of the Vice President for International AffairsThe IU Office of the Vice President for International Affairs (OVPIA) is offering a variety of competitive funding opportunities for faculty members to advance their research and teaching through international engagements. The application deadline for Short-Term Exchange Programs for the 2020-2021 academic year is November 1, 2019. Exchange positions will be offered in Brazil, China, Germany, Ghana, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Poland, Russia, South Korea, and Thailand. Learn more about all the different grants and the exchange program on the IU Global website. Email OVPIA with any questions at ude[dot]ui[at]aipvo. |
IU-sponsored Student Travel Abroad: Update and Approval ProcessFor faculty members planning to engage IU students in study- or travel-abroad activities in the future, please take the following process requirements into consideration.
IUPUI Anchor Housing ProgramIUPUI’s Anchor Housing Program provides incentives for employees to purchase or renovate a house in certain areas of Marion County. The boundaries and income limits for the program have recently been expanded. The program will expire on December 31, 2019, so don’t hesitate. Visit the Indianapolis Neighborhood Housing Project website for full details on the programs. |
Mark Your Calendar!
IUPUI Basketball Schedule
Home games are played at the Coliseum at the Indiana State Fairgrounds. Ticket information can be found on the website or by contacting Lauren Gronke. GO JAGS! |
New Faculty Notes – What Should New Faculty Know?What should new faculty know about IUPUI? Help the Office of Academic Affairs share with new faculty all the things you wish you would have known as a new faculty member. The items you share could be selected to appear in New Faculty Notes, an email publication sent to all new faculty with just-in-time news and information they need to succeed in their first year. Answer as many of the prompts as you wish to complete. Please use this link to complete our survey. Thank you! |