Faculty Affairs Issues: Who Does What?
The best email to send information or questions is ude[dot]ui[at]rhdaca. Send anything urgent to this address.
In addition, someone will always monitor these emails:
For the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE), please use the office email ude[dot]ui[at]ydnieio because of differing hours for different staff.
School of Medicine staff: try ude[dot]ui[at]nmdadaca for most questions.
You may also email the individual whose name is listed. Please pay attention to out of office notices and re-direct to the office emails above when needed.
Hiring process approvals:
- Full-time: technical support for using PeopleAdmin: rechelp@indiana.edu
- Full-time: vacancy requests (postings): OIE and Teresa Sosa (advice)
- Interview requests: Karen Lee
- Full-time: offers (visiting or regular, IUSM and others): Karen Lee or Willie Miller
- Adjunct: hire, renew contract: Karen Lee
- Problems, advice: Karen Lee or Willie Miller
- Processing, status: Karen Lee
- Eligibility (length of service, etc.): Karen Lee
- Problems, advice: Margie Ferguson or Willie Miller
- Processing is mainly within the school.
- Partial leaves must be handled by Willie Miller and Karen Lee
- Problems, advice: Karen Lee, Margie Ferguson or Willie Miller
- Advice on disability accommodations: Margie Ferguson (use the OIE site for formal requests)
Retirement or resignation:
- Emeritus requests (send to ude[dot]ui[at]rhdaca): Karen Lee
- Phased retirement requests (send to ude[dot]ui[at]rhdaca): Karen Lee
- Problems, advice: Willie Miller or Karen Lee
- Processing: Karen Lee or if unavailable, Chad Beckner
- Letters, notifications: The campus does not send routine reappointment letters. If a faculty member requests one specifically, email ude[dot]ui[at]rhdaca
- Involuntary non-reappointments: Willie Miller
- Problems, advice: Willie Miller
Promotion and Tenure:
- Technical processing: Karen Lee
- Chair, dean, committee support: Willie Miller
- Workshops: Willie Miller
- Mentoring and candidate support: Willie Miller or Margie Ferguson
- Policy: Willie Miller or Margie Ferguson
Faculty reviews/assessment/problems:
- Annual review process: Willie Miller
- Third year reviews: Willie Miller
- Performance problems: Margie Ferguson or Willie Miller
- Posting (vacancy): OIE, Teresa Sosa
- Interview requests: Karen Lee
- Waivers: OIE
- Waivers with offers: Karen Lee for the offer
- Hiring proposals (offers): Karen Lee (and Jay Gladden)
- Offers with tenure require an extra step and approval by Chancellor Ramchand
KUALI ACTION LIST QUICK REFERENCE: All of these are Karen Lee OR Willie MIller
Contact ude[dot]ui[at]rhdaca if anything gets stuck.
- Admin posts/acknowledge
- Create summer pay/acknowledge
- Hire employee AC2/acknowledge
- Hire employee AC1/acknowledge
- Renew contract/AC2/approve
- Terminate employee/acknowledge
- Transfer employee/acknowledge
- For AC3s, campus final approvers (Biannca and Mike) will check for the presence of the IU Indianapolis SAA agreement form.
Reviewed and revised: 7/24/2024