There is support for academic conferences or symposia organized by faculty members or professional staff and convened in Indianapolis [preferably at IU Indianapolis]. Those events that bring external audiences to IU Indianapolis will be given preference. Awards will be made up to $1,500, if matched equally by the school or department. Requests must predate the conference or symposium by at least one month. The Office of Academic Affairs will review submissions and make awards. Successful applicants will acknowledge IU Indianapolis support in all publicity and in any publications resulting from the conference or symposium.
Brief proposals (not exceeding two pages) should be submitted with the completed application form, and should include:
- topic, objectives, and description of the conference or symposium
- venue
- summary (up to one paragraph) of the background of each prospective and/or confirmed speaker or key participant
- expected outcomes of the conference (impacts across the IU Indianapolis campus, press releases, proceedings, publications)
- budget: categories include honoraria, food, lodging, travel, and supplies (awardees should consult with Research and Sponsored Programs to determine allowable expenses for receptions or social events)