When engaging in the faculty search and screen process, it is important to understand how implicit bias and other factors may impede the cultivation of a diverse hiring pool of candidates. The following resources are provided to increase self-awareness in search committee members as they strive to execute a fair and equitable search process.
- HERC Webinars on Demand
- Where's Bias Hiding in Your Hiring Process?
- Toward Inclusive Excellence: Attracting and Retaining Diverse Faculty and Staff
- Bensimon: New Policies are Needed to Recruit Racially and Ethically Diverse Faculties
- Gasman: The Five Things No One Will Tell You About Why Colleges Don't Hire More Faculty of Color
- Kets: Want More Innovation? Get More Diversity
- Managing Unconscious Bias: Paradigm
- HBR: Diversity Doesn’t Stick Without Inclusion
- Hrabowski III: Growing Faculty Diversity is a Shared Responsibility of Critical Importance
- Rockquemore: For a Diverse Faculty, Start with Retention
- Schoenberger: Can You Spot Diversity? (Probably Not)
- The A to Z of Dual-Career Couples
- Malatestinic: Your brain, wired for shortcuts, may lead to biased hiring
- The Chronicle of Higher Education: www.chronicle.com
- E-mail: moc[dot]elcinorhc[at]sboj (for advertising)
- Academic Diversity Search: http://www.academicdiversitysearch.com/
- American Association for Access, Equity, and Diversity (AAAED): http://www.aaaed.org/aaaed/default.asp
- American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES): www.aises.org
- Email: gro[dot]sesia[at]ofni
- Association for Women in Science: www.awis.org
- E-mail: gro[dot]siwa[at]siwa
- Diverse Issues in Higher Education: http://diversejobs.net/
- Diversity in Higher Education: http://diversityinhighereducation.com/
- HigherEdJobs.com: www.higheredjobs.com
- E-mail: moc[dot]sboJdErehgiH[at]selas
- Higher Education Recruitment Consortium: http://www.hercjobs.org/
- Hispanic Outlook on Education Magazine: www.hispanicoutlookjobs.com
- E-mail: moc[dot]kooltuocinapsih[at]ofnI
- Inside Higher Ed: http://careers.insidehighered.com
- INSIGHT Into Diversity: www.insightintodiversity.com/
- E-mail: moc[dot]ytisrevidotnithgisni[at]ofni (for advertising)
- Journal of Blacks in Higher Education: http://www.jbhe.com/jobs/
- Email: moc[dot]ehbj[at]sda (for advertising)
- Latinos in Higher Ed: www.latinosinhighered.com
- National Society of Black Engineers: www.nsbe.org
- E-mail: gro[dot]ebsn[at]ofni
- Society for Advancement of Chicano & Native Americans in Science (SACNAS): www.sacnas.org
- E-mail: gro[dot]sancas[at]ofni
- Society of Women Engineers: http://societyofwomenengineers.swe.org
- E-mail: gro[dot]ews[at]qh
- Tribal College Journal of American Indian Higher Education: http://tribalcollegejournal.org
- Women in Higher Education: www.wihe.com
- E-mail: moc[dot]yeliw[at]sbusbj