

Eligible faculty must have an IU Indianapolis full time appointment and have completed at least one year of employment. The proposed activity must occur no later than six months after the grant distribution. The activity must, in some way, relate to or advance IU Indianapolis's strategic goals, especially those related to Improve Equity and Inclusion Across the Student Experience (Pillar 1, Goal 4) and Adapt Global Perspectives to Address Local Challenges (Pillar 3, Goal 5). 

Applicants may not receive a Faculty Inclusive Excellence grant in consecutive years. Grants cannot be used to cover salary or benefits. The maximum award is $1,000 within a given academic year. Grants are non-transferable, and may not be applied in different time periods. Grants can be used to expand existing programs that build upon the objectives articulated in Goals 4 and 5 mentioned above.


The grant application must include following components:

  • Contact information and project title
  • Description of proposed activity
  • Proposed activity's relationship to the campus strategic plan goals as informed by our campus core vaues of inclusion and equity-mindedness
  • Budget and justification
  • Abbreviated curriculum vitae
  • Letter of support from the department chair or school dean

Section 1: Contact information and project title

  • Contact information
  • Chair or dean email (upon submission, an email will be sent to the email address provided so they may upload their letter of support)
  • Full-time start date
  • Project title

Section 2: Description of proposed activity (500 words maximum)

  • Detailed description of the proposed activity, including type(s) of activity, dates, locations, focus, goals, and duration
  • Benefits of the proposed activity (e.g., target audience; desired outcomes; professional development)
  • Information about the department or school level support for the proposed activity

Section 3: Relation to the campus strategic goals (250 words maximum)

  • Detailed description of how the project relates to, supports, and forwards Strategic Plan Pillar 1, Goal 4 and/or Pillar 3, Goal 5. 

Section 4: Budget and justification (500 words)

  • Amount you are requesting
  • All relevant categories and amount of expenses associated with the activity (e.g., training fees; transportation; registrations; materials). IU Travel rates and policies apply
  • Detailed narrative for the amounts listed

Section 5: Curriculum Vitae (5-7 pages maximum)

  • The CV should be an abbreviated version, highlighting relevant experience and expertise
  • The CV should be an uploadable Adobe Acrobat PDF


A final report (2 pages maximum) must be submitted via email to ude[dot]ui[at]aao within 30 days of completion of the activity. Follow up assessment may be requested of awardees to determine program efficacy. 


Applications are accepted on a rolling basis during the fiscal year (July 1-June 30) for use during a given academic year (August-May). A maximum of 10 grants of up to $1,000 will be distributed as funds are available during a given fiscal year. Funding decisions will be made approximately two weeks after the receipt of application. Funds will be distributed into a departmental subaccount.

Please direct any questions to Teresa Sosa at ude[dot]ui[at]aao.

IU Indianapolis Strategic Plan Pillars & Goals:

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Applications are now being accepted for FIE Grants.

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