Job Description Examples: Director Position
The examples below are from 2019 and were crafted by schools.
Director, MSW Program
The Indiana University School of Social Work invites applications for Director of the MSW program, located on the Indianapolis campus. The MSW Program Director provides administrative and academic leadership for the MSW Programs on the Indianapolis, Richmond, New Albany, and Fort Wayne campuses. This is a twelve-month position, beginning August 2016, with primary responsibility for program administration with some teaching, research, and external service duties required. The MSW Director leads by meeting and working with School and MSW administration, student services, and field coordinators on a regular basis to assess needs and issues, problem-solve, plan, and implement innovations for the continued vitality and effective functioning of the MSW Program. The position requires that the candidate be tenure-track or tenured at the School of Social Work.
Nursing, Clinical Placements and Coordination
Indiana University School of Nursing (IUSON) is seeking qualified candidates for the position of Director of Clinical Placements and Coordination. This position is responsible for directing, developing, implementing, and evaluating processes and procedures for all student clinical placements, ensuring exceptional service for clinical sites, stakeholders, and students in support of the academic mission of IUSON, the campus and the University.
Responsibilities include: develop, cultivate and maintain relationships with new and existing clinical sites to provide clinical education experiences for undergraduate and graduate students; collaborate and consult with course leaders, track coordinators, and academic leadership to determine requirements for clinical experiences for nursing students at all levels; collaborate with IUSON leadership to engage with clinical agencies and other external constituents to provide innovative appointments for faculty, collaborative student clinical learning experiences and services/partnerships that support IUSON’s educational and community mission; communicate and negotiate directly with clinical site liaisons and IUSON leadership to achieve high quality placements for graduate and undergraduate clinical learning experiences; procure clinical sites that meet course objectives and program requirements; direct the management of scheduling conflicts, seeking satisfying resolution for IUSON leadership, faculty, and clinical sites; collaborate with faculty and track coordinators for matching and assignment of students to preceptors and clinical settings; and other related duties.
Public Health: Director of BS Programs in Health Services Management
The Department of Health Policy and Management (HPM) is recruiting a full-time (12-month) faculty member, at the rank of Lecturer, to serve as Director of the Bachelor of Science in Health Services Management (BSHSM) program. Responsibilities will include managing day-to-day aspects of the BSHSM program including ensuring oversight and continuous quality improvement of curricular and student issues. The incumbent will also work closely with other HPM faculty members to identify relevant adjuncts, internship sites, and expanded employment opportunities for students in the program.
The BSHSM program has experienced significant enrollment growth in recent years and continues to prepare students for rewarding, challenging, and desirable careers in various health care settings including: medical and dental practices, long-term care organizations, health systems and hospitals, public health organizations, and other settings. An opportunity exists to help the program obtain national recognition by pursuing AUPHA certification.
The position includes teaching and mentoring students, as well as representing the department and program on various school, campus, and external committees relevant to the BSHSM program. Moreover, it is expected that the incumbent will work closely with others in the school, including other undergraduate program directors and those responsible for student advising, recruitment, general marketing, and other student services.
Liberal Arts: Lecturer in Communication Studies and Director of Public Speaking
The Department of Communication Studies in the IU School of Liberal Arts at IU Indianapolis invites applications for the position of Director of Public Speaking with an appointment start date of August 1, 2017.
This position is a 12 month non-tenure track lecturer appointment responsible for teaching public speaking and for year-round administration of the basic public speaking course, service, teaching, advising, and speaker’s lab management and technological assistance. The director will have assistance from an assistant director.
The duties include hiring, training, and supervising a teaching staff of approximately 30 faculty members and scheduling approximately 70 sections each semester of the course R110: Fundamentals of Speech Communication. In addition to these administrative responsibilities, the faculty member will maintain an active teaching role, including teaching in each of the regular semesters and during the summer, creating lesson plans, grading, instructing, and handling student correspondence. The administrative duties include: 1) overseeing and developing the standardized curriculum for R110: Fundamentals of Speech Communication, 2) hiring, training, and supervising a teaching staff of approximately 30 faculty members, 3) scheduling approximately 70 sections of the course each semester, 4) overseeing test construction and administration, 5) serving as the liaison between the department and University College Themed Learning Communities, and 6) providing technological support for the class, including maintaining the R110 website and instructor resource site. The Course Director is also responsible for planning and coordinating the campus-wide Speech Night competition twice a year.
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Reviewed and revised: 7/2022