Emeritus Status
Emeritus status: Deans may request emeritus/a status for retiring full-time faculty members at any rank who have at least 10 years of service at IU Indianapolis (exceptions for length of service can be made).
A request packet consisting of the following items in one combined PDF should be sent to ude[dot]ui[at]rhdaca:
Letter of nomination by the dean.
- Schools may have their own procedures for assessing nominations for emeriti status; this varies by school.
A brief biography of the person’s role and contributions at IU Indianapolis. A CV can be included to do this, but the biography is sufficient. The dean's letter can also summarize the role and contributions.
Copy of the letter or notice of retirement.
- The provost approves the recommendation.
- The person who submitted the request will receive an approval email from ude[dot]ui[at]rhdaca and a copy of the letter of congratulations sent to the faculty member and placed in the school folder for filing. The school will also be asked to supply three to five bullet points of why the person should receive emeritus(a) status. These bullet points are shared with the president in a meeting held with the chancellor discussing entries made on the campus's submission to the Board of Trustees' Agenda.
- The faculty member who has been awarded will receive a congratulatory letter from the provost as well as a copy of the request packet.
- The school HR staff will include an admin post of emeritus (for the correct rank) during the 'termination' eDoc process. Emeritus/a status has to be approved by the campus before the termination eDoc is processed and before Trustee approval.
- If the termination eDoc has already been processed, please contact ude[dot]ui[at]rhdaca for next steps.
- The title will be listed on the next Board of Trustees Agenda. It is after this step that final approval is received (no letter generated).
A retiree need not qualify for IU Retiree Status to receive emeritus status.
On IU retirement websites, the term "retired" applies solely to those who qualify for IU Retiree status.
Emeritus/a status includes continuing access to IU email, software, and library systems. This is subject to IU software licensing agreements.
- This Knowledge Base webpage (IU Account Types and Eligibility) shows current information. Scroll down to the eligibility grid; scroll over to the right for the notations about "Emeriti faculty."
- IU Indianapolis retirees: The domain "iupui.edu" will be completely de-activated December 2025. Email sent to "xx@iupui.edu" will NOT be forwarded! Ensure you are using "iu.edu" as your email address.
IU Indianapolis faculty are encouraged to consider membership in the IU Indianapolis Senior Academy.
The Emeriti House is located in Bloomington, but its activities are open to all IU emeriti faculty.
Reviewed and revised: 1/2025. Previous to 2022, faculty had to be at the associate-equivalent rank.