Faculty Search Process Overview
The primary resource for search committees is the Guidebook for Inclusive Faculty Appointments at IU Indianapolis. This page provides essential resources.
Successful searches and successful faculty careers include the following steps:
- Pre-search process (analysis of organization; needs assessment; discussion of position as aligned with campus priorities and school-based action plans)
- Search committee orientation (charge from dean; diversity training for members)
- Outreach, recruitment, and advertisement planning
- Vacancy approval form (HRBP enters into PeopleAdmin)
- Application review and screening applicants
- Committee reviews applicants (there is no pre-screen function)
- "Dispositions" entered by HRBP into PeopleAdmin: not qualified, long list, etc.)
- Interviewing (use of
standard questions and scoring rubrics)
- Interview request via PeopleAdmin
- Phone and in-person
- Reference checks
- Need not be in written format.
- For lecturer faculty, should include assessment of teaching
- For hiring with tenure: will need six external letters of reference at arms-length
- Candidate recommendations
- Making an offer
- Discuss draft with candidate
- Offer packet with relevant coversheet submitted via PeopleAdmin
- Include any start-up package MOU (non-IUSM)
- Include any non-school funding sources
- Closing the search
- All applicants in PeopleAdmin should have 'dispositions'
- Close or 'fail' the search
- Onboarding
- Retention and advancement
For questions on effective language and advertising, contact Office of Academic Affairs at ude[dot]ui[at]aao. Templates for offer letters are available.
Reviewed and revised: 2/2024.