Outside Employment* for Faculty
*”Outside Professional Activities” is a category defined in IU policy UA-17: Conflicts of Interest and Commitment.
Faculty may engage in outside activities, which are not organized or supervised by IU, and which involve compensation that is outside the IU system.
- Working on grants that are administered through IU is not “outside employment.”
- For 10-month faculty, work for non-IU entities during two summer months is not “outside employment” and there are no restrictions.
Full-time tenure-track faculty are allowed up to one workday per week, or equivalent, on outside professional activities:
Even when allowed, it may not be advisable if it detracts from one's pursuit of promotion. Not all outside employment (even during the 'one day per week') is allowable:
Faculty should:
- Disclose through the Conflict of Interest form (see one.iu.edu) all compensated or pro bono professionally-related outside employment
Not engage in activities which either
- Interfere with the normal expectations of a faculty member, or
- Compete with IU directly and/or duplicate one's exact IU duties, including but not limited to:
- Teaching online for another university
- Except for summer work (for 10-month), IU faculty are generally not to teach for other universities unless it is part of an organized, institutional arrangement
- Conducting research for private entities
- Teaching online for another university
Deans and chairs have the right to:
- Schedule classes and meetings to serve the primary mission of the unit
- Faculty who have chosen outside employment may not refuse normal academic assignments and must fulfill normal service obligations
- Determine that a particular outside employment situation is in direct conflict with IU (“activities that would ordinarily be performed on behalf of” IU)
- Incorporate into offer letters specific understandings about outside professional work
Deans and chairs should:
- Be sensitive to requests for flexibility as part of faculty retention and engagement
- Counsel assistant and associate-ranked faculty as to the impact of external work on progress towards tenure and promotion.
Deans are responsible for ensuring consistent application of outside activity approval.
Reviewed and revised: 10/2023.