Retention Offers
Here, "retention offer" means a special effort made to prevent a full time faculty member from resigning.
Each school is responsible for making the decision to try to retain a specific individual. OAA does NOT require a written offer from another institution, but a school may request that.
A retention offer may include any of these:
- A mid-year salary increase
- Significant changes to teaching loads or working conditions
- Extra research funding: anything other than what was originally provided in an offer packet or ordinarily available to all faculty
- Extra professional development support: for example, paying for a national or local program
Please see more notes below.
The first step is to notify OAA (ude[dot]ui[at]rhdaca) that a retention effort is underway.
Deans or chairs may seek non-RC funding sources. All funding from outside the RC is limited to 3 years maximum. Deans should preserve emails or other agreements for external funding.
Once a draft offer is ready, the school HR business partner should submit to ude[dot]ui[at]rhdaca one pdf with the following:
Retention Offer Data and Approval Form
- Information on this form is primarily from the retention letter
- Confirmation from all non-RC sources of funding (e.g. OAA/START, IU Office of Research)
- Brief description of why this retention is being pursued
- Brief explanation of plans for the impact on the department
- Draft retention letter
OAA will obtain approvals from:
- Academic Affairs: Jay Gladden
- Academic Affairs: Margie Ferguson
- Office of Institutional Equity: Karloa Stevens
- Division of Finance and Administration: Camy Broeker
If a retention offer is not accepted, please advise OAA.
More notes:
- A promotion in rank cannot be used. No current faculty member may be promoted within their own unit except through the regular promotion and tenure process; an external offer at a higher rank is not grounds for promotion within their own unit at IU Indianapolis.
- A change in track (e.g. clinical to tenure-track) may not be used for retention. Changes in track must involve either an open search, or a search waiver.
- Salaries: OAA funding, if available at all, is limited to no more than three years. RCs will be responsible for ongoing salary commitments. Any raise must be immediate: that is, a school cannot promise raise 1 now, raise 2 next year, raise 3 the following year.
- An administrative position does NOT result in a permanent change in base salary.
- A change of 10-month to 12-month or vice versa has pros and cons either way--this is especially true for faculty who regularly have external funding for summer research. Please consult this page and faculty affairs.
- Descriptions: the descriptions of research funding, teaching load, and professional development, are similar to those which might appear in an initial offer/ start-up package.
Questions: about the form contact; about 10-month vs. 12-month,; about potential OAA sources of funds, Jay Gladden; about mitigating the impact on other faculty in the unit, Margie Ferguson or OIE.
Created 10/1/2022; reviewed and revised 1/2025.