Review Timing
Depending on When–in–Year hired
The rule at IU Indianapolis is that whenever in a calendar year someone is hired or transfers into a tenure-track position, their tenure clock starts in the fall of that year.
January 1–July 1 tenure-track hires start their tenure clock in August when their first full academic year begins. |
Anyone hired August 1 to December 31 starts their tenure clock immediately in the current academic year. Even if their hire date is November 1st, for example, they would be treated like faculty hired August 1st. Avoid hiring someone very late in the calendar year or request from Office of Academic Affairs (ude[dot]ui[at]rhdaca) for an extension to be applied. Please note that for someone initially hired in a visiting position, that time is not part of their tenure-probationary period. Whether work from that period counts as "in-rank" should be specified in the offer letter. |
Reviewed and revised: 7/2023.