Working for IU (IU Indianapolis, any campus) After Retirement
Faculty retirees please note: if you are withdrawing retirement funds, contact IU HR about the tax considerations regarding working for IU: ude[dot]ui[at]rhksa
What faculty retirees can do:
- Teach classes as an adjunct faculty member, for per-course payments (AC2 status).
- Do teaching-related projects, for a per-project payment (AC2 status).
- Do other work, as a part-time (hourly) employee. Units will need to develop a contract with an agreed hourly rate, and the faculty member will need to clock in and out to record time used.
- IU policy regarding the Affordable Care Act does not allow for faculty (retired or otherwise) to be paid on a salary basis for less than 75% effort, except within the phased retirement program. Therefore someone may not do research part-time and salaried except under very unusual circumstances (contact ude[dot]ui[at]rhdaca). This is based on federal labor and wage law, and cannot be waived.
Warning! Do not assume that a retiree can shift to being paid as an independent contractor.
If an ‘independent contractor’ payment (payment via BUY.IU) is envisioned, please be aware that this must be approved by University Tax via an Independent Contractor Questionnaire submission. Payment via payroll (hourly part-time employee) does not require separate approval from University Tax.
Please secure an appropriate, approved, understanding of their employment and pay status before they do any work!
For questions about retirement in general or AC2 status, contact Faculty Affairs at ude[dot]ui[at]rhdaca. For questions about independent contractor status, contact University Tax Services. For questions about hourly employee status, contact RH UI.
Reviewed and revised: 7/2023. On 3/13/2023 language was removed about a 'bona fide' break in employment due to a change in IU policy. Whether someone can withdraw funds from a retirement plan while returning to work for IU depends on the termination status of their original appointment: please contact ude[dot]ui[at]rhksa