Hello everyone! We hope you are enjoying the warmer weather and are able to take time out soon for yourself and your loved ones. This is our last newsletter for the year. By the time you receive this, we will have closed out another Next Gen season, having graduated our 7th cohort! We recently experienced a semblance of “normalcy” by being able to finally provide the present cohort with a buffet lunch and an in-person group photograph. Ah, the simple pleasures that we apparently took for granted in the past.
We are looking forward to welcoming our next cohort in August, and who knows, maybe there’s an alumni reunion reception in our future (remember those?). Enjoy the upcoming summer months. We wish you well and look forward to connecting with you again in the fall.
If you have some news to share, please email us at ude[dot]iupui[at]negtxen and we will be sure to include it in our next newsletter.
Alumni Accomplishments
We are happy to acknowledge our current and alumni members for their latest accomplishments:
2015-16 Cohort
Crystal Walcott: Received the 2022 Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching
Petra Batek: Appointed director of Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
A special shout out goes to two of our alums who also happen to be board members and frequent session facilitators—Andrea Copeland (2017-18 cohort) and Willie Miller (2016-17 cohort). Andrea recently received a 2022 Women’s History Month Recognition Award in the faculty category by the Office for Women. And Willie was recently elected Vice President of our IUPUI Faculty Council! Way to go!!
This month, we also bid a fond farewell to Amy Powell and Mary Price (both from the 2016-17 cohort). Amy has left IUPUI for a position in the innovation division of Southern New Hampshire University. Amy did so much for us this year, sharing her expertise as we introduced our current cohort to the e-portfolio platform, with which to present on their capstone projects and experiences. Mary has been appointed director of teaching and learning at the Forum on Education Abroad, and has been an ardent supporter of this program, serving both as presenter and facilitator for many years. Amy and Mary—we thank you for your many years of valuable service to the IUPUI community. We know that you will only accomplish great things in your new roles. We wish you all the best and please keep in touch!
Let us toot your horn for you! su dneS your latest accomplishments.