IU Indianapolis is a diverse and evolving campus. It is important that new degrees and stand-alone certificates align with the IU 2030 strategic plan while also serving the mission and goals of the proposing school. Further, given enhanced scrutiny by state entities such as the Indiana Commission for Higher Education, it is also more important than ever that new programs are sustainable financially.
All new degrees and stand-alone certificates must be reviewed by the Academic Programs Committee. The Academic Programs Committee (APC), will review potential new degrees and stand-alone certificate programs for student demand, potential financial viability, potential conflict with existing programs, and alignment with school and campus strategic plans.
Academic Programs Committee
The Academic Programs Committee (APC) is comprised of the following individuals or their designees: the senior associate vice chancellor for academic affairs, the vice chancellor for finance and administration, the associate vice chancellor for undergraduate education, the associate vice chancellor for enrollment management, the associate vice chancellor for graduate education, the president of the IUPUI Faculty Council (IFC), and the chair of the IFC committee on campus planning (or another designee named by the IFC president). The APC will review pre-proposals for new degrees and new stand-alone certificate programs in advance of the development of a full academic proposal and make recommendations to the Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs who will determine if a proposal should move forward.
Procedure for the Development of New Degree Programs and Stand-alone Certificates
At the earliest point possible when a department or school intends to propose a new degree or new stand-alone certificate, the unit should submit a “pre-proposal” through this form: https://academicaffairs.iupui.edu/Strategic-Initiatives/Degree-Certificate-Pre-Proposal-Submission. The intent is for the pre-proposal to be reviewed before faculty expend the substantial amount of time necessary to craft a full proposal for new degrees and certificates. The “pre-proposal” document is intended to be brief--typically not exceed five pages.
The pre-proposal should include the following:
- Student population to be targeted
- Analysis of the student demand for the degree and likely enrollment numbers (contact Academic Affairs for assistance)
- Enrollment targets for first five years (to be developed in consultation with Philemon Yebei pyebei@iu.edu).
- Career opportunities (in the state or region) which graduates of this program would be qualified to pursue; evidence regarding job placement of graduates from existing programs at other institutions (contact Academic Affairs for assistance)
- Brief description of how the proposed degree aligns with school, program and campus missions and strategic plans
- Brief description of the proposed curriculum (listing of existing and proposed courses)
- Evidence of support from the dean of the proposing unit and promise (and feasibility) of financial support if approved
- List of similar programs at other IU campuses (in consultation with Academic Affairs as needed)
- List of related programs at IU Indianapolis and those that might be affected by the proposed degree and indication of support from leadership of affected programs (in consultation with the Academic Affairs as needed)
- Evidence of faculty support for the program; involvement in program development and expected impact on faculty workload/assignments
- Description of costs associated with developing the program–will it require new facilities or new faculty hires?
- Will special fees be associated with the degree/certificate? (Such fees must be requested through the Bursar after the degree/certificate is formally approved.)
- Will it be in part or wholly online?
- For stand-alone certificates, if the proposing unit wishes for the certificate to be financial aid eligible, the proposing unit must be prepared to provide evidence of compliance with gainful employment guidelines.
The APC will examine all pre-proposals to assure that:
- They align with the mission and strategic goals of IU Indianapolis and the home school and do not pose an undue burden on the campus or other schools.
- There is adequate unmet student demand in the state/region and that the program is fiscally feasible and sustainable.
- Any overlap between existing programs and the pre-proposal is addressed and information regarding concerns and questions from deans of affected schools is sought and considered before rendering a decision.
Program proposers will be given an opportunity to supply additional information as needed and notified of the APC’s decision. If the Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs determines a proposal should move forward, the unit will then be invited to prepare a full degree proposal for consideration by the appropriate faculty bodies--Undergraduate Affairs Committee (UAC) and the Graduate Affairs Committee (GAC). An invitation to submit full proposals does not guarantee approval by the GAC or the UAC.