Faculty Presence on Campus / Remote Work
IU has a Remote Work for Academic Employees policy. The overall principle is:
"The physical presence of faculty and librarians advances an academic community, encourages vital campus life, makes use of extensive physical infrastructure inclusive of lab-based equipment for groundbreaking clinical training and developments, and supports a culture of opportunity, inclusion, and equity; all which undergirds institutional loyalty."
On the IU Indianapolis campus, a similar statement has been in place in the Faculty Guide since 2017.
At IU Indianapolis, each dean determines what exact physical presence means for faculty in that school, taking into consideration all unit needs and missions. Each request for remote work must be explicitly approved by the dean and reviewed regularly.
Faculty requesting an absence from campus for disability reasons (reasonable accommodations) should go to this website which gives an overview. Scroll down for the faculty-specific process.
Faculty with questions should ask their dean; deans may consult the Office of Academic Affairs (email ude[dot]ui[at]aacvas) for advice in their decision-making.
Reviewed and revised: 7/2023.