Dashboard Guide:
There are TWO columns that identify a department.
- Acad Dept
- This is the tenure home code for both non-tenure-track and tenure-track faculty. It identifies their overall academic department home.
- This allows us to identify department and department chairs.
- Admin Post department
- This is the ACAD_TITLE field (Seen in admin posts.)
- This may be different from Acad Dept; for Medicine, it can be the division not the department.
- What if Admin Post dept shows up in red?
- That means that the person's Acad Title department is an obsolete code. Please note this and update the person's Acad Title code, or contact eeL neraK.
Review the LTA column:
- LTA stands for "Long Term Appointment." There are non-tenure-track faculty who have multi-year appointments.
- If LTA is YES, then be sure to edit the end date because it automatically defaults to one year. HR staff need to input the year that is appropriate to their faculty.
- If LTA is not YES, but you think the faculty member does have a multi-year appointment, please email eeL neraK with information on any people from your school who need their status to be switched from annual (which is called "non tenure, not on track") to multi-year ("long term appointment").
The colums for voting are:
- DN - Dean
- CH - Chair
- SR - School Representative
DN and SR have already been coded in. The School Representative (usually the HR person), can add proxies, and thus give chairs access to the dashboard itself.
We need votes by SR to finalize the process. There is one SR per school; they can fill in this themselves; they can download excel spreadsheets and distribute them within their school; they can also give other people (e.g. department chairs) proxy (direct) access to the dashboard itself.
Key Decisions:
NOTE: For spring cycle, for MOST schools, all faculty have been DEFAULTED TO YES, REAPPOINT FOR ONE YEAR.
End dates would change from May 31, 2025, or June 30, 2025, to May 31, 2026, or June 30, 2026.
For each person on the list decide:
- Non-reappointing:
- Retiring - Attach the retirement letter to the TERMINATION edoc.
- Resigning - Attach the resignation letter to the TERMINATION edoc.
- Involuntary - Contact eeL neraK about decisions and documentation asap. Schools themselves need to notify the faculty of the nonreappointment recommendation by no later than May 1. This notification must be complete BEFORE the chancellor issues the campus notification.
- Multi-year reappointment:
- You need to tell us the exact new end date.
- Go to EDIT RECORD (In the dashboard there is a little square with a pencil)
- Scroll to enter a new reappointment end date
- Scroll to UPDATE
- Three-year reappointment example: mm/dd/2028
- Five-year reappointment: mm/dd/2030
- You need to tell us the exact new end date.
- Everybody else:
- ONE YEAR reappointment (new end date will be mm/dd/2026). This is autofilled in for most schools.
Key Processes:
Each school starts with two authorized contacts coded in, the faculty HR contact (here, designated "SR" School Representative) and dean.
To generate a list of faculty up for reappointment, you can use the "Export to Excel" button at the top of the dashboard.
Use your own internal school processes (chairs, review committees) to determine the decision for reappointment.
You can EDIT ACCESS (see below) to add people as proxies (deciders) for the whole school or departments within schools or you can input the votes. The SR vote is the one that matters.
University IT will be doing a mass reappointment based on a spreadsheet generated from your answers.
Deadline: Friday, October 18, 2024
Questions about using the interface: ude[dot]ui[at]rhdaca
Questions about people who are missing or wrongly-included; non-reappointments: eeL neraK
Adding or Updating Access to the Reappointment Recommendations System
- Log into the system
- Click on “Edit Access”
- For schoolwide proxy access, don’t select a department. Otherwise, select a department.
- To add someone as “HR Contacts,” or “Dean Proxies,” start typing in their email address where it reads “Type in the email address or username, then select from the list,” and then pick from the list. You can enter as many proxies as you wish, one at a time. When you are done adding/editing the proxies, click on the Submit button to finalize the changes.
In order to remove someone, click on the “X” to the left of their name and then click on the Submit button.
- Why are there three separate cycles, and, why is someone reappointed three times in 12 months (winter, fall, spring cycles)?
- This is because of IU policy on how far in advance someone must be notified of non-reappointment. In their first year, you have to notify them in spring. In their second year, you have to notify them in fall. After that, they get one full year (at least) of notification.
- How do you see end dates for everyone in your unit (not JUST those who are expiring the next year?)
- In the dashboard, check “Future Appointments” (top horizontal menu bar)
- In IUIE, in the Master Catalog, try these reports:
- aA29 Job & Title AC1. Select your unit/RC (and department if you want). This is a spreadsheet that gives dates for titles—beginning and end dates. It has two rows for each person so filtering may not be easy.
- dD15 Summary Rpt Act Faculty/Lecturers. This report omits tenure-track faculty. It is in Word format and includes much more information than aA29, but you can’t filter or sort the information.
- In IUIE, in the Master Catalog, try these reports:
- Don’t try to use the Reappointments Database as a repository for faculty files, e.g. annual reviews. Use your own filing system, or DMAI. File uploading has been disabled in the dashboard.
Reviewed and revised: 9/2024