Excellence is recognized and rewarded in a variety of ways at IU Indianapolis.
Recognition through campus and university honors and awards adds distinction to your professional development and increases awareness about your professional activities at the university. Faculty and staff have numerous opportunities for recognition, many of which include financial awards.
Excellence of outstanding faculty, staff, and students is celebrated at ceremonies such as the Chancellor’s Academic Honors Convocation, Division of Undergraduate Education Spring Awards Convocation, and the Bringle and Hatcher Civic Engagement Showcase.
Nominations for the 2023-2024 award cycle are now closed.
The 2024-2025 award cycle will open in the fall 2024.
Previous Recipients
Search and view lists of previous recipients for many IU Indianapolis and Indiana University awards.
Award Amount: Recipients receive a base salary increase of $3,000.
Eligibility: Full-time faculty members in any classification for whom professional service and teaching, research, or service in the Central Indiana community is an expectation and who have taught at IU Indianapolis for at least five years, including at least one term in the year immediately preceding the nomination.
Deadline: Nominations for academic year 2023-2024 are now closed.
Award Amount: A $3,000 award will be given to one full-time faculty member which will be added to their base salary. A $2,000 cash award will be given to one part-time faculty member.
Eligibility: Any full-time faculty member teaching at IU Indianapolis for at least three years is eligible for the award. Any part-time faculty member teaching in the award cycle is eligible to be nominated for the part-time award.
Deadline: Nominations for academic year 2023-2024 are now closed.
Award Amount: Recipients receive a cash award of $2,500.
Eligibility: See web page for general eligibility information. Each academic unit is responsible for setting criteria and developing a selection process for the TTA within the general guidelines.
Information will be sent to deans each year for the nomination process.
Each unit is assigned a proportionate number of the total campus awards and will select faculty to receive awards within the unit.
Award Amount: Recipients receive a cash award of $1,000.
Eligibility: All full- and part-time faculty and academic staff members, including all advisors, mentors, and counselors at the PAC, PAO, PAE, and PAL employee classification.
Deadline: Nominations for academic year 2023-2024 are now closed.
The Gerald L. Bepko Outstanding Administrator Award is given to administrators who have contributed significantly to the IU Indianapolis campus. The award is given as candidates are identified by the Indianapolis Faculty Council Executive Committee.
Award Amount: Recipients receive a cash award of $3,000.
Eligibility: All current and retired faculty, administrators, and staff members are eligible. The selection committee favors speakers with long experience in their fields and at IU Indianapolis.
Deadline: Nominations for academic year 2023-2024 are now closed.
Notification of nomination timeline and process is sent annually to deans.
(If you are part of the nomination process of Chancellor's Scholars in your school and would like to be notified when information is sent to deans, please email the Office of Academic Affairs at ude[dot]ui[at]aao).
Eligibility: Any community organization that has partnered with IU Indianapolis faculty, staff, student, or campus units to create a positive difference in the community through teaching (e.g., service learning, clinical, internship), research, or professional service may be nominated for this award. Nominees must have engaged in a meaningful and sustained program of collaboration with one or more campus units that has resulted in deepening student learning, advancing faculty/staff work, and improving community outcomes.
Deadline: Nominations for academic year 2023-2024 are now closed.
Indiana University Awards
Indiana University has a history of achievement. Since 1820, the university has been home to world-renowned researchers, scholars, musicians, professors, and students. Each year, outstanding faculty members from Indiana University campuses are honored with teaching awards and distinguished professorships at the Celebration of Distinguished Teaching at the Bloomington campus. The excellence of Indiana University’s award winners and the corresponding collection of awards over the past 194 years has been catalogued and can be reviewed at Traditions of Excellence.