Chancellor's Scholars Info

Chancellor's Scholar Awards

Chancellor’s Scholars are selected based on their educational achievements and are the top students in every school.

The dean or dean's designee submits details about the selected honoree to the Office of Academic Affairs. Guidelines for the Chancellor's Scholars nominations are sent directly to each school.

Chancellor's Scholars nominations are due Monday, February 17, 2025, at 11:59 p.m.

Honorees of the Chancellor's Scholar Awards are recognized at the Chancellor's honors ceremony for students. 

Check out the previous award recipients.

Chancellor's Scholar Award Highlights

One undergraduate student from each designated academic unit is to be selected, except for the following

  • The School of Medicine may select one student enrolled in an M.D. program and one student enrolled in a health profession program.
  • The Graduate School may select one student enrolled in a master's program and one student enrolled in a Ph.D. program.
  • The School of Dentistry may select one student enrolled either in an undergraduate or graduate program.

Your selection should be a degree-seeking student in the final year of the program and have the highest cumulative grade point average as determined by the criteria of your school or division.

The student selected should have met the stated criteria at the end of the fall semester. They may be a December, May, or summer graduate.

Nomination Process

Academic deans are to submit their selections through the online nomination form.

To fill out the form, you will need the following information

  • Student’s name as they would like it to be listed in the program
  • Student’s university identification number
  • Student’s current mailing address
  • Student’s current phone number
  • Student’s current email address
  • The name of the dean or associate dean who will represent your academic unit at the award ceremony and who will also escort your scholar to the stage
  • Words of recognition. In one hundred words or less, tell us about the student. You can incorporate the student's major studies, when they will graduate, and a short tribute to their success and work as an IU Indianapolis student, and if they intend to continue their studies. 


If you have questions regarding the nomination process for the Chancellor's Scholar Awards, contact the Office of Academic Affairs.