Chancellor's Faculty Award for Excellence in Civic Engagement

Chancellor's Faculty Award for Excellence in Civic Engagement

This award recognizes outstanding faculty who actively collaborate and build on the resources, skill, expertise, and knowledge to improve the quality of life in our greater community in a manner consistent with the campus mission. 

Civic engagement work encompasses teaching, research, and service in all aspects of our campus community and in all sectors of society.

This award includes a base salary increase of $3,000.

Nominations for this award are open.

Nominations must be submitted online via this form by 11:59 p.m., Monday, February 17, 2025.

Chancellor's Faculty Award for Excellence in Civic Engagement

Any full-time faculty for whom professional service and teaching, research, or service in the Central Indiana community is an expectation and who have taught at IU Indianapolis for at least five years, including at least one term in the year immediately preceding the nomination, are eligible for nomination.

An individual may receive the award only one time.


Any member of the campus community may nominate.

Self-nomination is not permitted.

Only one nominator’s information can be entered in the nomination form as a contact. For jointly prepared nominations, additional nominators can be accounted for at the end of the nomination letter.


Faculty nominated for this award should exemplify high standards of civic engagement; professional service; or service learning with documented records of achievement that include peer review, student evaluations, assessments from community organization representatives; and evidence of scholarly research, publication, or presentations developed from the professional service to the community and civic engagement.

Records demonstrating a sustained commitment to community development through effective partnerships will receive more favorable consideration, as will evidence of the faculty member’s continued growth and development as a teacher, researcher, and scholar.

Nominees are advised to apply quality service indicators when preparing dossiers.

The criteria used to review dossiers include:

  • Impact and significance of civic engagement work
    • Furthering the missions and goals of the department, school, and campus
    • Influence on identified constituencies
    • Contributing to the professional development of the faculty member
  • Intellectual work
    • Command and application of relevant knowledge, skills, and technological expertise
    • Contributions to a body of knowledge
    • Imagination, creativity, and innovation
    • Sensitivity to and application of ethical standards
  • Importance of the faculty member’s role
    • Consistency in completing necessary work
    • Sustained contribution
    • Increasing level of responsibility
    • Consensus building
  • Communication and dissemination
    • Responsible representation of work during and after completion
    • Communication with appropriate audiences, including academic, peer-reviewed publications
    • Use of modes of communication and dissemination that are appropriate to audiences
    • Analysis of and reflection on the civic engagement
  • Interaction of service, teaching, and research
    • Symbiosis of service, teaching, and research
    • Civic engagement that contributes to the learning environments of students, other faculty members, and the community

Documentation should include the following:

  • Nomination letter
  • Candidate’s curriculum vitae 
  • A narrative of no more than ten pages
  • Up to five letters of support
ConsiderationNominees will be considered for one year.
Nomination Process

Nominations must be made by completing the electronic nomination form and uploading the required documentation.

Uploaded files should be in Word format. If documentation is not currently available electronically, it can be scanned. The Center for Teaching and Learning, University Library room 1125 can assist with this process.


The review committee will recommend candidates for the award with the chancellor making the final selection

Awards may not be given every year.


If you have questions regarding eligibility and criteria, contact Jerry Daday, executive associate dean of Institute for Engaged Learning, at

For answers to questions regarding the online nomination process, contact the Office of Academic Affairs at