Friday, April 21, 2017
Frequently Asked Questions
I received an invitation. Does that mean I'm receiving an award?
No. All full- and part-time faculty for IU Indianapolis and IU Columbus receive an invitation. If you're receiving an award, you would have received a letter and/or e-mail letting you know what honor you're receiving.
I'm a faculty member, and I received an invitation. Does that mean I have to attend?
All full- and part-time faculty for IU Indianapolis and IU Columbus receive an invitation. While we would like you to join us for this celebration, attendance is not required unless you're receiving an award.
Do I have to wear academic apparel to the ceremony?
That depends on whether or not you're receiving an award. Faculty members who are not being honored or participating in another capacity (presenter, marshal, or escort for Chancellor's Scholars) may choose to wear robes or business attire. If you're robed, you will participate in the processional.
Processional Line-up Line-up for the processional will be begin at 2:40 p.m.
Hine Hall, Room 118 (left-side entrance to the auditorium). The following honorees and administrators should report to Room 118 to line up: presenters, individual award recipients (Chancellor's Professor, Bantz-Petronio Translating Research into Practice Faculty Award, Alvin S. Bynum Mentor Award, Glenn W. Irwin, Jr., M.D. Research Scholar, Chancellor's Diversity Scholar, Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching, Glenn W. Irwin, Jr., M.D. Experience Excellence, Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Multicultural Teaching, and the Chancellor's Faculty Award for Civic Engagement), Chancellor's Scholars, and Chancellor's Scholars' escorts.
Hine Hall, Room 132 (right-side entrance to the auditorium). The following honorees and faculty should report to the hallway adjacent to Room 132 to line up: Trustees' Teaching Award (TTA) recipients, Prestigious External Award Recognition (PEAR) recipients, Recognizing External Achievements (REA) recipients, and any robed faculty in attendance.
If you're not sure which line you should be in, a staff member from Academic Affairs will be able to assist you.
I'm receiving an award, so I guess that means I must wear academic apparel.
Not necessarily. It depends on the award you're receiving.
Academic apparel is required if you are receiving one of these awards:
Alvin S. Bynum Mentor Award
Bantz-Petronio Translating Research Into Practice Faculty Award
Chancellor's Professor
Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Multicultural Teaching
Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching
Chancellor's Faculty Award for Excellence in Civic Engagement
Chancellor's Diversity Scholar Award
Chancellor's Scholar
Gerald L. Bepko Outstanding Administrator Award
Glenn W. Irwin, Jr., M.D., Experience Excellence Award
Glenn W. Irwin, Jr., M.D., Research Scholar Award
Chancellor's Undergraduate Research Award
Anyone receiving one of the awards listed above will meet in Hine Hall Room 118 (located on the left-side entrance to the Hine Hall Auditorium).
Academic apparel is optional if you are receiving one of these awards:
Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Civic Engagement (Community)
Prestigious External Award Recognition (PEAR)
Recognizing External Achievements (REA)
Trustees' Teaching Award (TTA)
Anyone receiving one of the awards listed above will gather in the hallway outside Hine Hall Room 132 (located on the right-side entrance to the Hine Hall Auditorium).
May I participate in the processional if I'm wearing street clothes?
No. Faculty members wishing to participate in the processional will need to wear academic apparel.
When/where may I pick up the academic apparel I ordered?
Chancellor's Scholars and faculty who ordered academic apparel specifically for the Chancellor's Academic Honors Convocation will be able to pick up the apparel Monday through Wednesday, April 17-19, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in University Hall Room 5022. If you cannot pick up your apparel at that time, it will be available for pickup in Room 132 of Hine Hall on the day of the ceremony beginning at 1:00 p.m.
Please note: If you did NOT order academic apparel by the deadline (March 23), it is too late to accommodate requests for apparel.
But I had hoped to wear academic apparel and participate in the procession. Can't they make a special exception for me?
Unfortunately, no.
What if I can't pick up my academic apparel until the day of ceremony?
Not a problem! Any academic apparel not picked up prior to the day of event will be in Room 132 of Hine Hall on the day of the ceremony beginning at 1:00 p.m.
The apparel arrives in plastic bags, so you may wish to press or iron your cap and gown. We recommend robing after you arrive at Hine Hall. There will be an iron available in Room 118 and Room 132 of Hine Hall for last-minute touch-ups. Do not leave personal belongings in the room; it will not be secured during the event.
What do I do with my academic apparel after the ceremony?
If you are not participating in the May commencement ceremony, please return your cap and gown to Room 132 of Hine Hall after the ceremony ends.
If you are participating in the May commencement ceremony or another recognition ceremony, keep your cap and gown for further use. All rented academic apparel must be left at Lucas Oil Field when exiting the building on the day of commencement.