Modification of Promotion, Tenure, and Merit Review

IU Indianapolis strives to be inclusive in all we do. It’s part of our strategic plan to develop our faculty to “assure high-quality processes for performance management and promotion and tenure.” (Strategic Plan Priority 3, Goal 10)

With this goal in mind and to continue to promote a welcoming and inclusive campus environment, the Office of Academic Affairs and the IU Indianapolis Faculty Council are working to enact modifications of promotion, tenure, and merit review to recognize and reward faculty efforts to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion on campus.

At the May 4, 2021, IU Indianapolis Faculty Council meeting, members voted to approve the modification adding a DEI-focused case to the existing "balanced case" framework for tenure-track faculty.  In December, 2021, a parallel case type was developed for clinical and lecturer track faculty.  During 2021-2023, schools are working to incorporate DEI expectations into annual (merit) reviews for all faculty. 

The following graphic shows how DEI-focused cases may differ according to individuals' areas and initiatives.

integrative case bubbles

Now more than ever, leaders in every field must look within themselves and their organizations to identify barriers to equity and social justice and commit to removing them.

- Nasser H. Paydar, Chancellor 2015-2022