Adding Materials to an eDossier
In the initial submission process:
- Candidate populates the eDossier with their materials in their folders; ‘submits,’ dossier shows as pending.
- Candidates should try as hard as possible to have their materials in final format. You can invite a delegate to review your materials within eDossier; it is highly recommended to have a mentor or chair review the CV and candidate statement before submitting.
- All levels of reviewers know that there is a ‘stop’ to scholarly accomplishments early in the year that the review occurs.
- eDossier routes to an approver (usually the department chair). Reviewer checks for completeness; ‘submits’. Dossier then is submitted.
- Approver should have enough experience to check for completeness and for correct format. Brief guide is here.
- Please be sure to check for correct CV format. The IU Indianapolis CV format has a distinctive and required format, both for 'binned' cases and for integrative cases.
After this submission, a supplemental folder appears in the Candidate section.
All new materials go into this "supplemental" folder. All uploads trigger notifications.
Candidates should avoid:
- Making multiple minor submissions. Each upload generates a notice to all current and prior levels of review.
- Updating routine ‘pending’ items especially if there has been a completely positive vote so far. The review is based on the track record and trajectory demonstrated at the time of submission.
- Uploading complete revised sections, unless specifically asked to by a committee or reviewer (e.g. new candidate statement).
Candidates can upload clearly labeled additions to their CV or materials, e.g.:
- SMITH JJ CV Publication Addition
- Contains a citation to a fully-accepted publication
- SMITH JJ Grant Success Addition
- Contains documentation of a significant grant received
- SMITH JJ CV IU Indianapolis PT Format 9-2023
- Contains a completely and correctly reformatted CV
Responding to negative reviews:
For tenure cases:
- Consult the “Reconsideration” section of the IU Indianapolis P&T Guidelines. Candidates who have received a majority-negative vote from a committee (department or school), or from a chair or dean, may request a reconsideration. The candidate then has two weeks to prepare and submit additional materials; the chair/dean / committee will then review the materials and may re-vote or reaffirm their original vote.
- Consult the written review and address specific concerns. Candidates may make different arguments ("the criteria say X and I did Y") or may present additional evidence ("this grant was just approved.")
For promotion cases:
- All new materials will trigger notifications; prior levels of review are asked to review the new materials and may or may not re-vote.
DEADLINE FOR ALL NEW MATERIALS IS BEFORE THE CAMPUS COMMITTEE MEETS ON THAT CASE. If votes have been unanimously positive, please DO NOT add any materials to the e-dossier.
For general information on eDossier content, view the workshop materials and contact ude[dot]ui[at]rhdaca.
Reviewed and revised: 8/2024.