Adjunct or Associate Faculty?
Q: What do you call someone who is paid on a per-course basis?
A: At IU, that person is an adjunct faculty member.
Q: Who (else) is called an "Adjunct"?
Adjuncts are a) per-course part time instructors, or, b) full time IU faculty members who have primary responsibilities in one unit, and are “adjunct” or part-time in another unit. Being "adjunct" in another department does not necessarily imply a second tenure home, any particular duties, or any funding split, although these could be specified for an individual case.
Q: What about “Associate Faculty”?
A: The term “associate faculty” is not used in IU policy, nor in the IU Indianapolis Faculty Guide. It is currently used in many units across IU Indianapolis and at other IU campuses, to refer to “adjuncts” who are (only) per-course faculty. Yes, it’s used on the Academic Affairs website!
The term "associate instructor" is a formal term for graduate students/student academic appointees (AC3) who teach.
Formal Definitions
IU Policy: ACA-14 Classification of Academic Appointments
IU Policy: ACA-75 Affordable Care Act for Academic Employees
- Adjunct appointments are to be used for part-time instructional appointments
- Adjunct faculty may not work more than 29 hours per week on average during any term (spring, fall, or summer)
- Adjunct Faculty shall notify the hiring department of any appointment at any other IU school or campus
- By the end of September 2013, only part-time instructional appointments (below 29 Standard Hours) are to be in the Adjunct rank
- Calculation of Adjunct Hours of Work"
Note that IU policy ACA-77 Advertising Policy for Academic Instructional Positions says, “This policy applies to the hiring process for all instructional faculty that require recruitment. This does not include the hiring process for adjunct faculty.”
In the IU Indianapolis Faculty Guide, the section "Part-Time Appointments at IU Indianapolis" refers to:
IU policy apparently does not use the term “associate faculty.” The IU Indianapolis Faculty Guide does not use the term “associate faculty.”
Regarding Part-Time
The Faculty Guide says, “These [adjunct] policies do not apply to part-time persons appointed to line-numbered positions on a continuing basis even though their appointments are less than 100%..”
However, IU policy ACA-75 says,
Therefore, normally there are no part-time, less-than-75% FTE AC1 appointees.
Reviewed and revised: 7/2022.