Hiring Steps-Entering New Employees into the System
Once the offer is accepted, you may begin the process to hire a candidate (enter them into the system). Hire eDocs can be started in advance of the work start date to allow new faculty member to establish an email account and receive benefits information.
Please note that IU Indanapolis has its own Academic Personal Profile Form, see below.
The Background Check and I-9 must be completed prior to Academic Affairs approval to hire a contract employee (AC2s and AC3s).
We will approve a hire for an AC1 as long as the Background Check is complete and the I-9 has at least been initiated.
Please note the federal guidelines are still applicable in that Section 2 of the I-9 must be completed within three working days of the start date.
Summary of Benefits for New Academic Employees
- Enrollment for benefits maybe be completed before the start date but must be submitted within 30-days after the start date.
- All new employees of Indiana University are required to undergo a criminal history background check. This applies to all full-time, part-time, and graduate student appointees, as well as those volunteers who will be working with programs involving children.
Employment Eligibility Verification
- Indiana state law requires Indiana University to use the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's E-Verify system to confirm the eligibility of all new employees to work in the United States. Completion of the I-9 form is still required, but the E-Verify system is an added second step.
- Form I-9 and eVerify Training
Background Checks – IU Indanapolis Process
- Academic Personal Profile Form
- GIS Background Check Training(opens in a new tab)
- Candidate Disclosure Process for Academic Employees
- Our electronic background check system allows users to enter candidate disclosure information, although this information is not required. If collected, this information should be kept on file at the department/school level for five (5) years after the employee is terminated. If the background check is completed and has an adjudication result of:
- 1. "Meets University Standards," proceed with the hire documents.
- 2. "Pending," our office will communicate with you regarding the findings on the background check report. If the information was disclosed by the candidate or is a minor traffic violation, our office will update the report to indicate "Meets University Standards."
- Background checks are conducted by an outside vendor and can take anywhere from 24 hours to 3 weeks to complete. Please plan accordingly.
- Background checks are not required for international hires if they have been in the United States for less than one year. Indiana University accepts the process involved in granting the visa as sufficient for a background check.
- Our electronic background check system allows users to enter candidate disclosure information, although this information is not required. If collected, this information should be kept on file at the department/school level for five (5) years after the employee is terminated. If the background check is completed and has an adjudication result of:
Effective Dates
- Actual work dates for the academic year and for the first semester begin seven days prior to the first day of classes on each campus. Actual work dates for the second semester begin seven days before the first day of classes at the campus but never earlier than January 1. Fall semester appointments terminate on December 31. Spring semester or academic year appointments terminate on the day of commencement for the campus. Appointments for various summer sessions begin on the first day of classes and terminate on the last day on which final grades are due on each campus.
- However, for the purpose of Edocs, the effective date may differ. Edocs for adjunct faculty (AC2) and student academics (AC3) must use an effective date of the first of the month. Edocs for 10-month full-time faculty should use an effective date of August 1, and for 12-month full-time faculty an effective date of July 1. If you have 12-month full-time faculty starting at a time other than July 1 or the beginning of the academic year, you may use a mid-month starting date; this will prorate the first month's pay.
- End dates for tenure track, lecturer, clinical, and professor of practice faculty must be June 30th (12 month) or May 31st (10 month); end dates for research associates, research scientists, postdocs, and visiting, may differ.
- Effective and end dates for summer Edocs will default into the document.
- Access to HRMS and Edocs.(opens in a new tab)
- Training Videos for edocs
- System Online Support for Edoc questions
- Always check the Valid Job Combinations Matrix before initiating a new appointment.
- Commonly used Edocs and their purposes
- Edoc FAQs
- Departments initiate the actual hire, as well as all subsequent employee transactions, by using the Human Resource Management System (HRMS) Edocs. Once Edocs are initiated at the School/Department level and submitted, they route through a pre-set chain of approvers and are finalized by our office. As final approvers, we have the responsibility of ensuring that the information and/or transaction in each Edoc is correct and meets university policies. Once we approve the Edoc, it is saved into a database, creating a permanent record for each academic employee.
Reviewed and revised 8/2024.