Teaching Professor Candidacy 2023-2024 Cycle
Candidates submitting requests for promotion to teaching professor in the 2023-2024 P&T cycle may consider all of their work regardless of the exact title they held at the time, that is, reviewers should not disregard anything as 'not in rank.' This is a special consideration adopted at the time of the creation of the Teaching Professor title to allow for a smooth transition to a third rank, and extended for 2023-2024, by the IFC, because of COVID and other extraordinary circumstances.
Key points for department chairs:
- External reviewers must be external to the IU system. They can be associate-rank tenured faculty [1], or full rank non-tenure track. Be aware that different universities use different names for their teaching-oriented faculty. This is a list of institutions that in 2020 had adopted the 'teaching professor' rank, although for many of them it is new. They need not come from research-comparable institutions; you may choose reviewers who are experts in teaching or at teaching-oriented institutions.
- Internal reviewers (department chairs, members of P&T committees) can be full-rank NTT if the school/department procedures allow; full-rank tenure track; or associate-rank tenure track [1].
Key points for candidates:
- Do not neglect peer evaluations of teaching. IU Indianapolis review committees will expect more than 2 peer reviews. An ideal number is at least one per year. "2" is the minimum required to demonstrate 'satisfactory' teaching and teaching professor candidates are expected to be more-than-minimum.
- A teaching professor case needs to have three key elements:
- Peer-reviewed dissemination. This page shows some examples. There are different opportunities in different disciplines--seek feedback on what is considered valuable within your own unit.
- Leadership; the page in the previous bullet gives examples. "I teach whatever they assign me" is sort of the anti-example!
- Sustained excellence over time. Very, very, very roughly, people in all classifications who seek promotion to full rank have at least 10 years total experience in full-time positions. Someone who, for example, has been a full time lecturer and senior lecturer for a total of 4 years would be viewed skeptically; time spent as an adjunct does not count.
- The DMAI Vita-IU Indianapolis P&T will automatically include all of your courses since 2012. Although you may manually add earlier courses, it is not required (by campus; your unit will probably not care either). It is kinder to readers if you delete all the 0-enrollment courses that it will automatically include.
- For all of your publications and presentations in DMAI, make sure that you select Teaching in the "Area" field. If this is left blank, it will not be output into DMAI-Vita. DMAI page. Alternatively, use this page to help you create a P&T CV.
- The actual e-dossier will not be available to you until summer. Use this link to give you a zip file with empty labeled folders. The main P&T guidelines have screen shots and detailed explanations. Dossier Resources.
For both:
- On this page see previous workshops (recordings and ppts.)
- Please explain just what the candidate's normal work consists of, as well as its evolution over time. "Lecturer" work varies widely, and you risk reviewers (90% of whom are research-oriented faculty) making unconscious assumptions. It is best if the candidate states this and also the chair confirms it in their letter.
- Candidates, make sure your department chair understands your dissemination venues. It is the chair who writes an explanation of their quality and value.
[1] Technically--as written currently in the P&T Guidelines--at the time the teaching professor rank was passed, the allowance for associate-rank tenured faculty to participate as reviewers was to have ended in 2023. However, we now assume that the intent behind the IFC 2023 vote to extend of the phase in period (for candidate applications) applies in concept to this provision.
Reviewed 7/2023; questions: relliM eilliW.