Tenure Home Codes
What is a tenure-home-code?
There are four data fields which can identify a faculty member’s department:
- Academic title
- Budget/Org
- Tenure home
Tenure home code is entered and maintained by Office of Academic Affairs/Faculty Affairs.
- Tenure home codes are entered for all full-time tenure-track, lecturer, clinical, and professor of practice appointees.
- Codes are not entered for adjuncts, post-docs, research scientists and visiting faculty.
- In some schools, people's job or budget department identification is the school and not the department (especially for Engineering and Technology). Those people have had appropriate academic department codes entered into their 'tenure home' code. Caution: when records are edited, sometimes this reverts to their budget code and must be checked and changed back.
- In larger Medicine departments (SURG, PED, and MDEP) the HRMS code shows the division. The tenure-home code will show the overall department.
- In Nursing there are no codes for the two Indianapolis departments, but Fort Wayne (FWNU) and Bloomington (OACA) have their own codes. In Education, there are no individual-department codes. O'Neill, SPEA, Law (except the Library), Philanthropy, and Kelley all have one code for all faculty. SOCW faculty have one code except for DLS Department of Labor Studies.
- The use of a tenure-home-code does not confer tenure on any non tenure-track faculty member.
The change of a tenure-home-code does not change the tenured status of any faculty/librarian.
Tenure home is defined as the academic department:
- Which is responsible for annual reviews and reappointments.
- In which the person may serve as a promotion/tenure committee member.
- Very few individuals have multiple tenure homes.
- A few individuals are involved in non-departmental academic programs and are reviewed in special ad hoc processes. Those individuals are coded at the school level.
- Deans are coded at the school level.
- Associate deans are coded in their home departments.
- Persons serving in administrative units (e.g. EXEC or OVCR) will retain their tenure home codes for their home academic departments, to indicate their academic affiliation.
OAA uses tenure-home-codes for these purposes:
- Organization of reappointment and sabbatical processing: to auto-identify departments and schools/chairs and deans, generate notices and letters, etc.
- Notifications of third-year review or tenure-review-due processes.
- Promotion and tenure processes.
- Faculty Council information.
- Providing lists to Academic Analytics identifying faculty with departments.
OEO uses tenure-home-codes for these purposes:
- Diversity analysis.
- Salary comparisons by discipline/department.
IRDS uses tenure-home-codes for these purposes:
- Department-level data on diversity and other faculty characteristics.
- Department dashboards on teaching etc.
- Surveys (when N responses are sufficient for anonymous reporting).
Caution: The "Create Tenure Data" screen shows a "mandatory review date." This date is auto-generated and is often not accurate. Please contact Faculty Affairs if there are questions about tenure timelines for any individual.
Maintenance of Tenure-Home-Codes
For NTT faculty:
- Tenure Status is Non Tenure Not on Track.
- Change Date is date of hire.
- Tenure Home is appropriate department code.
- Notes:
- NTT. Tenure home code of XXXX added ##/##/####.
For TT faculty:
Fill in these fields upon hire:
Tenure status:
- Tenure (if hired with tenure).
- Non Tenure On Track (if not hired with tenure).
- Track start date: First day.
- Tenure home: Department.
- Service calc group: 10 or 12.
- Prior credits, if any.
- Mandatory review date: leave blank.
For questions about tenure-home-codes, processes such as sabbaticals, or reappointments, contact Faculty Affairs at ude[dot]ui[at]rhdaca.
Reviewed and revised: 7/2023.