The Faculty Inclusive Excellence program awards up to 10 grants per academic year of up to $1,000 in support of faculty engaged in work that strengthens our ongoing commitment to creating a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable campus environment. Proposed activities that prioritize equity and inclusion as related to historically marginalized or minoritized communities in higher education (defined by race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, ability status, and veteran status) include but are not limited to the following:
- Projects/research
- Events
- Mentoring
- Trainings/workshops
- Curricular transformation
- Professional development
- Conference presentation
- Recruitment efforts
Applications will be accepted online on a rolling basis. Funding decisions will be made within two weeks after receipt of application. A final report of the funded activity must be submitted no later than one month after completion.
Questions can be directed to the Office of Academic Affairs (ude[dot]ui[at]aao).