SAMPLE: Expected Diversity Statement for Faculty Searches
Provide a statement that describes how your research, teaching, and/or service has contributed or will contribute to the advancement of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), considered integral to the institution and the intellectual work of faculty. Question prompts are only suggestive.
Evidence should include:
- Examples that demonstrate intellectual thought: how one conceptualizes DEI and its importance in higher education
- Why is DEI an imperative in higher education today?
- How is DEI articiulated in your own work as a faculty member?
- How is DEI treated in your discipline?
- Articulation of acquired knowledge, skills, and competencies
- What is your current understanding of DEI? How have you acquired that knowledge?
- What additional training or professional development have you received?
- What opportunities have you had to enact your competency in DEI matters?
- Examples of work: contributions toward enhancing DEI related to faculty/administrative role
- What treatment does DEI have in your classes? In your department?
- How has DEI been incorporated into your community-engaged scholarship?
- How have you contributed to overall DEI efforts on campus?
- How is DEI integrated through mentorship?
- Proposed actions: in consideration of institutional context
- What specific goals and objectives do you have for advancing DEI at IU Indianapolis in a faculty/administrative role?
- What specific actions to you plan to implement in fulfillment of those goals/objectives?
- How does your planned actions relate back to the specific context of IU Indianapolis and its faculty, staff, and students?