History of the Dean of the Faculties

Kathy E. Johnson

2015-Present: Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer

Some of Johnson's administrative accomplishments include creating the Office of Institutional Research and Decision Support, which combines the campus's strength in institutional research with expertise in analytics, survey research and program evaluation; launching the Division of Undergraduate Education as a means of providing more coordination of the academic experience for undergraduates beyond the first year of college; creating the Office of Faculty Diversity and Inclusion; and working with faculty leaders to redesign and better coordinate holistic professional development and support for faculty through the Forum Network.


Gray, Ralph D. IUPUI -The Making of an Urban University. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2003.

The IUPUI University Library Ruth Lilly Special Collections and Archives. Office of the Chief Academic Officer/Executive Vice Chancellor, Records 1966-2013.