- Develop Integrative DEI promotion case for clinical and lecturer faculty appointments
- Consider Integrative Community-Engaged (CES) case [possibly for both tenure-track and clinical faculty]
- Metrics: developing additional metrics for assessing scholarly and local impact
- External reviewers: additional guidelines to support external review of DEI candidates
- Continued need to accommodate COVID impact in case review
- Potential simplification of dossier structure
- Integrative Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Tenure-Track Balanced Case: Design of school-specific guidance/criteria and examples for the Integrative DEI Case; development of discipline-relevant metrics
- Tenure-track faculty, for promotion and tenure
- Annual/merit review--revise and revise to incorporate DEI
- All faculty--can include adjunct reviews
- Review and revise promotion and tenure procedures to ensure clarity:
- Who serves on what committees (how they are appointed, chosen, etc.)--can be either in Promotion and Tenure Guidelines or in school/department constitution/bylaws
- Teaching professor criteria and voting procedures
The items in the timeline below have all been completed.